Thursday, December 10, 2020


Had a customer come up to the register today demanding to check the price of a bully stick because he'd found it in one of the $1.99 buckets and wanted to make sure that it was actually $1.99.

Upon checking the price, however, it was discovered that the item had been misshelved and was actually $9.99.

The customer asked if I could give it to him for the $1.99 price, to which I said no, but I'd be happy to help him find a bully stick that was $1.99.

So he randomly picks out like two other bully sticks (without looking at the prices below them mind you) and hands them to me to go check.
Which I do and the first one rings up at $1.99 while the second one rings up at $4.99.

Obviously, after double checking that it is indeed $1.99, he takes the first one and I put back the second item and then proceed to try and find where the $9.99 bully stick goes.

I can't find the location.

And the customer is standing nearby waiting in line watching me. And when he realizes that I can't find the location he's like "See! There's no location for it and it's the last one! So can I get it for $1.99?"

Ha. No dude. As you see the UPC is still ON the bully stick which means we can still SCAN it which means it will still RING UP at $9.99. With the product not having any defects or issues. (you know besides being placed in the wrong spot) there is no reason to give such a discount to the customer.

I end up taking the $9.99 bully stick to the back of the store and placed it there to be reshelved later on when the customer isn't watching my every move.

However, that's not the end of the customer's shenanigans. As apparently he also picked up a 50 cent dental treat from a bin while waiting in line that he also wanted to buy.

When he finally reaches the register, the cashier rings up the $1.99 chew and the .50 cent dental treat and tells him that the total is gonna be $2.67 (because you know there's like an .18 cent tax on top of that)

And the guy was like: "BUT IT SHOULD ONLY BE $1.99!!!"

Like're a grown man. How do you not get the concept of MATH? If you buy one item at one price and buy a second item at a different price you add up the two prices together and get a new price that you pay. You don't just get to keep the original price of the first item the entire time.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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