Monday, April 10, 2017

Neighborhood ChitChat

I had a customer call this morning.
Wanting to know if we carried love birds.
And when I told her we didn't.
She asked what sort of birds we carried.

So I told her.

....only to have her ask me to repeat myself....because I had listed them too fast for her to comprehend.

-Yes I was totally wondering if I would end up in another A-r-K/C scenario.

But thankfully it didn't happen that way.

So it turns out the customer was calling because she'd recently had her parakeet die.
And she was looking to get a new bird, and had not yet decided if she wanted to get another parakeet, or if she wanted to try a different species of bird.

The funny thing...
Is that she was quite the rambler.
I was reminded of those neighborhood chats you have with your next door neighbor on the phone, where you basically just call to shoot the breeze.

Because the woman told me the life story of like three of her birds, and experiences she'd had watching people deal with birds, and how she thinks, and how her neighbor thinks, and eventually the conversation wound its way to left-handed people and how all three of her kids were lefties...

Normally I'm less than a fan of these sort of rambling conversations.
Mostly because, since I'm at work, I kinda want people to get to the point of what they need so I can answer their question and move onto the next customer in line.

But she'd called in the morning, when we were really slow.
Like no people in the store whatsoever.
And since I wasn't needing to help customers in the store.
I just let her chat to me on the phone while I worked on scrubbing fish tanks.
After all, I didn't need my ears in order to scrub. lol. And I could easily keep the phone to my ear while doing this task.
So I let her blabber on. (admittedly I was trying to find a way to end the conversation, but couldn't find any good openings.)

But in the end. After letting her talk to me on the phone for 30 minutes.
She told me how grateful she was for me being willing to listen to her talk.
As she confirmed what I'd been thinking, that she'd been feeling rather lonely living by herself.

So I was glad that I was able to give her a bit of conversation and interaction in her day. :) I like helping people, and the stories she told me were actually quite entertaining lol.

So while she may not come in to get a bird, at least I made a phone friend today. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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