Saturday, April 1, 2017

Silent Communication

Whenever I have a child come up to me saying that they have a question, or that their parental figure needs help. I'm always halfway annoyed and halfway impressed. Impressed that the child took the initiative to come find me to help them. Annoyed because I have no idea what they need help with until they take me to the location where they need help.
Often times the child comes to me because the parents don't speak English. Other times, they just got tired of waiting around and went searching for help.
In this case.
It was a bit of both.

The child came looking for help.
Because he really wanted to get a turtle.
And he was prepared to act as an interpreter to his mother who didn't really speak English.

His need to be the 'middle man' was negated.
Because they were using sign language to communicate.
And guess who knows sign language?
Yep! Me!!

Which made communication a lot easier lol.
As I spent like 30 minutes talking to them about turtles and their care.

It was a fun chat, giving them information and tips.
And I was happy to be able to ease their understanding. :)

Though trying to interact with other customers and coworkers after spending so much time signing is always difficult for me lol.
I end up half signing half speaking for an hour or so afterwards. lol.

It didn't help my struggle to not sign everything, when the customer came back a couple of hours later and we signed again for a good amount of time.

Still. They ended up buying the turtle. So yay. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi

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