Saturday, June 30, 2018

Which Bird?

There was a customer who came into the store today,
Who ended up buying a parakeet.

Though she spent like an hour deciding which parakeet before she purchased it.
Because she was rather nervous to buy a bird from a petstore as her other three parakeets were all handfed.

So she was consulting with someone via text.
And watching the birds to ensure the one she picked was healthy and active and whatever else she wanted in the bird.

But it got kinda...irritating after a bit as I kept checking in on her.
Because she'd been watching the birds for so long...she was beginning to get a bit...paranoid about what she was seeing.

Like one bird was sleeping with it's wings not pressed as tightly against his body. So was he holding them weird because he's injured?
….No? Bird is fine.

That bird's tail is bobbing back and forth! Is that normal?!
Yes...because the bird is a) sleeping and b) balancing on a perch, there's going to be a bit of bobbing as the bird stays balanced.

*shakes head* 

Thankfully she finally picked her bird and I was able to catch it.
But it sure took a while to do so. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, June 29, 2018

All the Birds

I'm beginning to think my coworkers are getting into a paranoid state when it comes to the health of our animals.

I came in to work today to discover that four of our parakeets had been taken off the floor because the a) their feathers were looking 'ratty' and b) they were breathing funny. 


Out of the four birds, only one looked like it had issues with it's feathers. The other three were looking healthy, all breathing normally and such.

Honestly, if I wasn't looking for 'abnormal breathing' I may not have noticed it at all. Because who pays attention to how fast something is breathing unless it's like super quick?? the end I ended up returning three of the birds to the floor because I couldn't see anything wrong with them. 

Hopefully they aren't in the back when I come into work tomorrow....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, June 28, 2018


I helped a woman and her young son today with the snakes.

As he'd apparently been earning his allowance or something where he would be able to earn a trip to the Pet Store to see the snakes because he loves the snakes and wants one.

Only the issue was....all the snakes were hiding.

Which makes it rather difficult to feel rewarded if you can't see what you came looking for.

So I opened up a couple of the cages and pulled out the snakes therein to let him touch and see lol.

It totally made his day. 

^^;; Yay for making dreams come true lol. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


It's the stupidest thing really. 
*shakes head*

So. A while ago we got radios to use so that we could communicate with each other easier and be able to let our coworkers know when customers needed help, or if we were in need of help ourselves. 

And it's been really handy because you don't have to go wandering around the store searching for the person you're looking for, or using the intercom system to call people overhead to a location. 

But today.
The managers came out saying that we can only use the radios in customer related conversations.
So like "I need back up at this location." "There's a customer on this aisle that needs help" "A customer is searching for this product do we have it?" 

We can't use the radios at all for tasking related conversations. 
So asking where a broom is. Or if a task has been completed, or if we can go on break. Or telling people that something needs to be done/cleaned....
We can't use the radios for that.
No. If we're 'tasking' and have a 'tasking related' thing we need to talk about we have to go track down the person and ask them in person...

It's just stupid.
It's time inefficient.
Seriously it takes two seconds to be like "Did ornaments get switched out?" "Yes" 

*shakes head*
But noooo it can only be customer related things. 
What's the point of using the radios then?? 


-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

So Quick

A customer came into the store pretty soon after we opened.
Because she had had this crazy spur of the moment idea that for an object lesson for a thing she was going to be speaking at in like ten minutes....she would need some goldfish in a bowl. 

Which....if she's speaking in ten minutes....I really hoped her thingy was somewhere very close by because that seems to be cutting things rather close. 

But still, I caught her the goldfish she needed and bagged them up and yah...

lol she was surprised at how fast I bagged up the fish as it probably only took me like thirty seconds to a minute to do the whole catch and bag process. 

^^;; I love it when I can surprise customers like that lol. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, June 22, 2018

Out and Back In Again

Sometimes rodents frustrate me.
Especially when I'm trying to bring more of them out to the floor. 
Because sometimes it works. 
It sometimes it doesn't.
And you never know which way it will go because it all depends on the creatures involved. >.<

Today I was bringing out guinea pigs to the floor.
Usually not a huge issue because for the most part, they get along.

I only had three guinea pigs on our floor at the moment,
And I had three in the back that needed to come out from our overstock area.
Plus, I had a guinea pig that had been isolated for a bit that was healthy again and ready to come out.

Seven is like the max I can have in the cage.
So it was perfect!
Plus I was introducing multiple guinea pigs at once.
Which usually bodes well.
Because introducing more than one creature at a time with the rodents usually means a higher chance of them being accepted by the rest of the creatures already in the cage.

Not so today.

The main issue with our guinea a) if they get too big and b) if they have been alone too long they get...aggressive. 
Or it's just their personalities....

But occasionally there are slightly older guinea pigs who decide that they don't want to play nice with newcomers. 
Whether they are the newcomer into the cage, or they've already been established in the cage....

They don't always take well to having others around them.

That's what happened today.

I brought out four guinea pigs.
Watched them for half a second.
and left to go do other tasks because I got distracted....

And had my coworker tell me like fifteen minutes later that one or two of the guinea pigs were bleeding and may need to be isolated. 

So upon investigation.
One of the already established guinea pigs in the cage had a small bit mark on it's leg that had already scabbed over. No big deal. It wasn't visible and wasn't causing issues, so he could stay.

But the guinea pig I'd just got out of our isolation room....
Not so much.
He had a bleeding wound on the ear....
And a rather large gash in his cheek that was bleeding. 

Which means....back into isolation he had to go. >.< 
Where he'll stay until those wounds heal up.
Which hopefully won't be longer than a week or so.
But we'll see. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, June 21, 2018


I answered a phone call from a customer that I'd helped a couple weeks ago with buying a hamster.
She was concerned because she thought the hamster wasn't doing well and wanted him to be checked out.
But she was worried that the return process would take forever. Like an hour or so with extra paperwork and such.

Which wasn't the case at all. 
When returning animals it's a matter of establishing why the animal is being returned, making sure you have the receipt and paperwork with you, and then going to the register to get your money back. 

-As with animals, even if the customer still wants the creature to come back, we return the animal into our inventory and give the customer their money back. 
That case while in our care it happens to die, or the customer decides in the intermin that they don't want the animal back...
They don't have to make a second trip to the store to get said money back.

The plan here was to return the hamster so we could take him to the vet and get him checked out, and then treat him if necessary and then if he gets better (because sometimes they don't) we'd call the customer back and she could come pick him up.

But when the customer came into the store...
All I saw was a healthy hamster.
He was active, his eyes were bright, he was alert, his bottom was clean --which is major in hamsters to make sure they don't have diarrhea, and yah...overall. He seemed fine to me.

The customer though, had been concerned because they came in to find him sleeping on his back. Legs spread out. And just staying that way for a really long time.

Which. O.o Yah....that does sound a little odd.
But I have seen hamsters sleeping in rather weird positions before.
And since he was moving food around, and drinking water, and being a really active sweet hamster that allowed me to manhandle him without once trying to bite me....

I saw no reason for concern. 
So the customer ended up not returning the hamster because I didn't see any issues with him.

*fingers crossed* that the hamster remains healthy. :S  

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Your Guinea Pig Is Ready

So a little over a month ago we had a guinea pig returned to the store for multiple issues.
The most pressing being a couple large lumps that had formed under the chin and on the back of the neck. 

We took the guinea pig to the vet to get the lumps checked out and subsequently drained before he was returned to us for us to then proceed to give him medicines to help keep the swelling down and to ensure no infections occurred, as well as keep the areas from getting all pussed filled and such. 

But after two or three weeks...that was finally overwith. 
The guinea pig had recovered and was healthy.

So I did what we always do when the customer wants the guinea pig back.
Called them.

Only the first time I called....I got no response and the customer's Voicemail was full so I couldn't leave a message.

I waited another day or so, called again a little bit later in the day...
And got an answer....only when I tried to explain to the customer on the other side of the phone that their guinea pig was healthy and ready to be returned to them....

The customer didn't understand what I was trying to tell them.
Whether it was a bad phone connection, or I wasn't explaining the situation well, or they weren't in a mindset to hear the situation....I didn't know.
They ended up hanging up on me before I could confirm whether or not they wanted the guinea pig still. 
-Because it does happen on occasion that customers decide they no longer want the animal after we get it healthy.

After asking a manager, they told me to call one more time in a day or two.
And if we got no response then it would be okay for us to put the guinea pig back on the floor to sell it.
After all we'd tried to contact them three times without success. 

Soo....after another day or so.
I called again.
And got no response. Again, couldn't leave a voicemail because the voicemail was still full. 

Technically at this point I could have put the guinea pig on the floor because I'd 'done my duty'

Only it didn't feel right to do so.
After all I'd only managed a shaky connection once. 
And I had no idea if they were for or against getting their guinea pig back.

But. Our cage space on the floor was full at that moment.
So I couldn't bring the guinea pig out to be sold even if I wanted to. 
And nobody really ever does anything with the animals in the back once they are healthy.
So I figured it was safe enough to leave it for another couple of days to try and call again.

Which I did.
To another no answer.

So I left it. 
Again. Because there was still no room on the floor for the guinea pig to come out.

But I knew we couldn't leave the guinea pig back there for forever.
Therefore, I decided....that I would make one more call. And if the customer didn't answer....I would then consider it done. I'd tried five times. That was enough.

So I called.
And to my surprise, the customer actually answered the phone.
After confirming that I was speaking to the customer I was like "Did you leave a guinea pig with us?"
"Cool, he's healthy and ready to be picked up!"

"ummm….about that."

Never words I want to hear.
Was I about to be told that the customer didn't want the guinea pig after all??

Apparently in the intermin of having this guinea pig with us....they'd got a second guinea pig.
So they needed to buy a bigger cage in order to give all three guinea pigs enough space.
But they needed to get the cage first. 
So they were wondering if it would be alright to pick the guinea pig up on Friday.
Which yah, sure, so long as you tell me when you're picking it up.
But knowing that there's always unforeseen issues.
I told them that they had until Saturday to pick him up.
Else we'd be putting him back onto the floor.

So *fingers crossed* that they actually come get it.
I won't know though for a little bit.
Because I'm not going to be at work Saturday.... :S Sooo hopefully they come get it.
Otherwise....when I come back into work....I 'll know what happened if he's still there. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Too Hot

Things always happen when I'm not at work.
*shakes head*

Apparently the cooler in our goldfish tanks went out.
Causing the water temperature to skyrocket up into the 80 degree range.
Which apparently was too much for our feeder goldfish 
Because my coworkers tell me that they were literally jumping out of the tanks to get out of the water. 

:S Which probably means the water was a fair bit warmer than 80 degrees to do that. 
Though when I checked the was showing a reading of around 75 degrees...
Which is still rather warm for the goldfish tanks as usually we try and keep it in the high 60s. 

But the aftermath of this problem....
Is that our goldfish are once again going through a dying streak. 
Which means that we're having zombie goldfish again -where they appear dead until you try and scoop them up and then they come alive again. 

...Hopefully it's a problem we can fix quickly.... *fingers crossed* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, June 18, 2018

In Person

I met her in person today. 
The Chinese Water Dragon Lady.

The lady, who like 4-5 months ago....bought a Chinese Water Dragon....

And then proceeded to plague the store by calling everyday for like a week straight with various issues. 
And then occasionally has called us since that point....with more issues with the Chinese water dragon...

Which I still think that she's just being overly paranoid still.
Because if there were major issues....the Water Dragon would be dead.
He's eating. He's alert and active. 
Soooo something must be right.

So she came into the store today.
Thinking that the current tank -40 gallon- that she has is too small for the Water Dragon. 
Because he's active and constantly running into the glass and such.

How much bigger was she wanting to go?
She wanted to know if the 150 gallon fish tank we sell would work for a water dragon.
Which, it could.
But like....that thing is gianormous and hard to get into...if you put the water dragon in aint getting it back out again.
Plus it's like $800....and she was wanting to know if we could go any lower on the price.
We can't.
Though I told her it does go on sale every now and then...and while it's not on sale could go on sale next month for lower because we do monthly sales. 

--Which somewhere in that explanation she got it into her head that I was saying the tank couldn't be sold now. But would be able to be sold later.
O.o Huh?
No. You can buy it if you want to at the $800 price, but if you want it to go on sale you'll have to wait and see if it will go down in price next month. 

In any case.
She couldn't buy the tank today. 
But she's just still really concerned about her water dragon. 
Because it's a dark green black color currently....

Which usually I associate with being too cold.
But nooo it's not too cold because she picks him up and he's warm to the touch. 
*exhales* oookayyyy. 

I gave her a couple other options...all of which she negated....

Sooo no success really in the conversation with her.
But definitely interesting to talk to her in person than via over the phone.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, June 15, 2018


There was a customer who came into the store today.
Who had found a nest of baby birds.
And wanted to know how to take care of them.

but's hard to know how to take care of baby birds if you don't know what type of bird it is? Because you have ones that eat berries, and seeds, and insects....

So I suggested calling Animal Control or Wildlife Control.
Which apparently she'd already done. 
So I was like "put the nest back?"

Apparently she couldn't. 

But it was difficult to focus on talking to her.
Because she had a phone in her hand, that was playing music. 
A particular song really that I don't like hearing because it gets stuck in my head.

Which I found to be weird.
Why did this customer feel the need to walk around with their own theme music playing? Like it was at a level where I had to raise my voice a little in order to be heard over her music.
Which begs the question of...if she wanted to know answers...why not turn off the music so it's easier to hear? 
It seems to be a common occurrence with customers. Both in the store and over the phone. 
Where they don't seem to realize background noise is part of the reason why they're having trouble hearing me....

In any case....
I helped as much as I could with her question. 
But there's not much I can do in regards for care for wild birds.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, June 14, 2018


My manager rearranged our backrooms yesterday after I left work.
Which made walking into them this morning a bit weird.
Because suddenly everything is in a different location/layout....and it throws me off. 
New things always throw me off for a bit.
Because you kinda get used to having things a certain way.

But because we were expecting our DM to visit today.
The manager decided to do a deeper clean on our backrooms....
And ended up rearranging them in the process.
Moving cages and such around.

We'll see if it actually ends up staying like that.
Or if we end up moving things back to how they were before the DM visit. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

But What Type?

There was a gentleman who came into the store came first thing this morning looking for Purina Dog food.

The problem?
He didn't know what type of Purina dogfood he was looking for. 

Because apparently he didn't know that Purina is a...parent company? idk the term.
But it's like the house name. 
So there's all these subbrands under the big name.
Like Proplan, Beneful, One....
There's a handful of them. 
So when one says "Purina"
You have to be more specific. 

The gentleman thought that it was just "Purina" 
Which made it difficult to find the right brand of food he was looking for. 

Still I tried. 
Showed him all the different Purina's to see if any of them looked familiar.
They didn't because he usually doesn't get the dog food. 

*shakes head*

But I did what I could.

Though throughout this conversation.
He would often say "Thanks for your help."

But like the tone of it?
I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or serious.
Like was he actually thankful? Or was he like "oh gee thanks so much for 'helping' me?"
Because I felt I wasn't doing a great job of helping him find what he was looking for, since I'm not as familiar with the dogfoods. It's not my usual department. 

*shakes head* 
But in the end...he bought some food.
So yay. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


We got in our reptile shipment today.
Which is uncommon but not unusual for a Tuesday.

As the reptiles can show up anytime between Tuesday and Friday.
Though most commonly they show up Thursday or Friday. 

So it was a bit of a surprise to get my shipment in today.

And it was like...a normal shipment.
Putting out lizards and snakes and turtles....

Until I got to our Red Eared Slider Turtle that we got in. 

And like right off the bat he didn't look right.
The top shell was more...concave than normal. Looking more like a rooftop with the shell coming up to a point at the spine...instead of being like smooth all the way over.

And then I lifted him out of his container.

And saw the stomach of his shell.

It was concave as well.
Bowing inwards.
Not straight and smooth like it was supposed to be.
Plus, the coloration of the red on the Slider's face was also very dingy and faint, not the bright red I'm used to seeing. 

So overall. 
They sent us an unhealthy turtle.

And I'm like. Why?!
Because even though he's active and swimming around...I'm definitely concerned about him. can you expect us to sell such a malformed turtle?
How do we know he's healthy?
Because he certainly doesn't look healthy.

But since the reptiles are shipped to us and not brought in like the other animals are....
It's not a simple thing of saying "we don't want this, take it back."

Hopefully the manager's figured out a solution....
Guess we'll see. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, June 11, 2018

Six Small Crickets

There's a woman who comes into the store every Monday to grab six small crickets.

Do I remember what creature she needs those crickets for?
Nope. Not at all.
But I know she comes in every Monday to grab six small crickets.
So I make sure every Monday that when I'm bagging up crickets.
That I do a bag of six small.

Sometimes she gets there before I can get to bagging crickets.
Sometimes she arrives right in the middle of me bagging crickets.
And other times I never see her.

It's been a couple of weeks since I've seen her in the store.
To the point where I was beginning to wonder if she had settled into a new routine.
Like maybe she was grabbing the crickets for a school pet and since school is out for basically everyone now...there's no need for her to come in.

But no.

My manager came up to me today.
And handed me a card where he'd written down a compliment a customer had given me. 

"She's so amazing!" 

Apparently it was the woman who told my manager this. ^^;;
And she's just so grateful that I make the effort to remember her cricket order and have it ready every Monday morning for her. ^^;;

Like awwww. ^^;;

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, June 9, 2018


It's always nice to be appreciated. ^^;;

Had a customer come into the store today, one that I recognized as having helped before. Though with how time works in the store I couldn't remember how recently I'd helped her. Whether it had been a couple of days ago or up to a week....

But she'd come in to find a house for the hamster that she'd bought as the one they had had was too small. 

And she was super complimentary to me. ^^;; 

Lol she was telling me that she and her kids look forward to coming into the store while I'm working because I've been so helpful to them and that they never want me to leave the store and that one of her daughters wants to work in a petstore now.

And it was just like.... An Awwwww moment. 

To know that there are people out there who like to see me at work and look forward to me being on shift when they come in. :)

It was a heart warming moment. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, June 7, 2018


So one of my coworkers notified me at like 8:10 this morning (before we were open) that there was a customer on the fish aisle who looked like they needed help.

And me? Yah, I still totally want to go up to customers and tell them "We are closed until 9. GO AWAY" But nope. 
We're going the polite route. 
So I checked into see if he needed help.
He did. He wanted to find a way to get his hardwater down as it was testing too high.
Which easy answer.
He didn't need to get the hardwater down. Because the fish are used to being in hard water. It's when the water is too soft that there's cause for concern. 

So I told him that. He was happy.
And I left to do other things thinking that he would leave soon after.

But nearly an hour later.
Just before we did open.
I found him still in the same aisle. 

Which O.o 
Huh? Why are you still here?!
I mean it'd been like 45 minutes since I last spoke to him.'s not uncommon for customers to spend forever in the aisles deciding on products and such. 
It's just weird for it happen soo early in the morning.
Usually morning people need to be places. They don't have time to hang around as they're like dropping by on their way to school or work or an appointment or something.

Apparently not for this customer.
I don't know why he spent 45 mins there.

But towards opening he approached me asking if I could catch him some ghost shrimp and neon tetras.
Which easy enough....when the lights are on.
But the lights to the fish system don't turn on until the store opens. 
So I was trying to catch ghost shrimp in the semi dark tanks -as the only light hitting them at that point was the lights from the main store. 

The customer watched me for a second and was like "...don't you guys have lights for your tanks?" 
"Mhmm" I responded "But they don't turn on until we open. Which is in like 5 minutes. So right now they're off."
Yah. Silly customer. *shakes heads*

In any case. I was able to help him out, get his fish, answer his questions and send him on his merry way. ^^;; 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Double Called

I had a customer call the store today, asking if we had any bearded dragons. 

Which, thankfully we did actually.
Because for like the last month and a half we've had no bearded dragons in the store.
At all.

I don't know how we ended up with the sudden shortage and lack of them being sent to us...
But it's been difficult not having them as they're one of our most popular pets. 

So I was pretty happy to say "Yah! We have three currently." 

So the customer was like "Great! How much are they?"

I had to double check prices as they often go on sale.
And told her the prices.

She was then like "Okay, thanks Hon" and hung up.

I didn't think much of it.
Until like a minute and a half later when the phone rang....

And she was on the line again.
Asking me the exact same questions...
I think the only difference being that she specified "baby" bearded dragons?

Which we only carry babies. We never get full grown ones in. 

But I had to wonder...if she realized she called the same store twice in a row and asked the same questions?
Like...I greeted her the exact same you'd think she'd realize....
But it didn't seem like it.
Unless she was calling back to check prices on the babies as opposed to adults? *shakes head*

No idea. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Guinea Pig Returns

So a while ago,
We had a couple of customers -two different people- return Guinea Pigs for a couple of different issues.
One had some sort of wound on his side -which kinda looked like a puncture wound. 
The other had some lumpy growths on the skin.

And both customers indicated that they wanted to buy their Guinea Pig back once they got better. 
-Which takes some time. 

--We guarantee our animals for a certain time frame, and if customers end up experiencing an issue where the animal needs to be taken to the vet within that period, we'll take the animal to the vet for the customer and treat it until it gets better and then when healthy, will call the customer up to say that their animal is ready to be returned to them. 

And it just so happened that yesterday, both those guinea pigs were determined to be recovered and healthy. 
So I gave both customers a call.
The one who had the guinea pig with the lumps didn't answer the phone and I couldn't leave a message because their voicemail was full. (at some point maybe we'll be able to text people. That would be so handy)
The second customer I also couldn't reach, but did leave a voicemail.

But today, the customer I'd left a voicemail for came in to get her guinea pig, the one with the puncture wound on the side.

And when I met up with her she was like "So what was the skin issue?" 

Uhmmm….it was wounded? was kinda obvious what the issue was.
-Though I get the concern because some skin problems like Ringworm also involve scabbing and sometimes bleeding.

But nope. This guinea pig just had a wound. kinda looked like a puncture wound really. Like it had hit something sharp or something sharp had hit it.
But the wound healed without issue after we treated it. 

And after returning that guinea pig to that customer, I decided to try calling the other customer again, to see if calling slightly later in the day would result in someone picking up.

Which it did.

And I was so excited because I was like "Is this so and so?" And they were like "Yah?" And I was like "Hi! It's Sarnic from the Starsmet, I'm calling to say that your Guinea Pig is healthy and ready to be picked up!"

But the woman on the other end.....
Was like: "Huh? Who are you? I don't-- Huh? Can you say that again?" 
So I repeated myself like twice more and was like "You had a guinea pig you returned to us right?" 

To which she said something like "I don't--I'm not sure, I'm going to--" 
And then she hung up on me.

Which like...umm.....Did you want the guinea pig or not?
I almost think she was trying to find someone else to take the phone?
But like it was hard to know for sure because her side of the conversation had a lot of background noise and it sounded like she was speaking from a idk how much she was actually hearing.

But like I didn't know if I should try and call back or just leave it....

So I went to the managers on duty to tell them the situation as ask their opinion. 
And it was decided to wait a while and maybe have my manager call that customer back...

But my manager didn't come in until after I left sooo we'll probably need to contact the customer tomorrow. 

But yah. Weird. Like...I didn't know what to make of it. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, June 4, 2018

And Another---

It was a 3pm customer. 

A woman came up to the register while I was backup cashiering and asked if she could get help with the fish.
Which I'd just seen my replacement coworker come into the store.
But didn't know how long it would take them to go clock in, grab their radio, and then go over to the fish wall. 
Neither did I know how much longer I would be on the register.

But I finished up with the register, and hadn't yet seen my coworker, so I figured I could take the two minutes necessary to go catch the woman her fish and hopefully by the time I was done my coworker would be there. 

So I went and found the woman, who then directed me to her son who wanted to get some zebra danios but struggled for a moment to decide between the regular zebras and the long finned leopard danios. He ended up choosing Three Leopard Danios

While the woman told me that she also wanted two snails. 

Which should have been an easy and quick enough catch. Two separate bags.
And then I would be done!

Only then the woman spotted other fish.
And began asking questions about some aggressive fish in her tank and how different fish would do with them. 
Which meant she ended up deciding on two dward gouramis of differing colors. 
But when I was about to bag those ones up she decided she wanted one, no two! no, THREE different platys. 
And while I was catching those she was like "Oh! I should get some Neons too!" 

-Which I had my coworker get the neons.
To divide and conquer and such. 

And then had to go show the customer some airline tubes and air pumps....

I really should have just handed over the entire thing to my coworker.
Because I ended up clocking out 20 minutes late.

But I kept thinking "I'm almost done."
Only for the customer to be like "OH! I want these too!" as I was almost done bagging the fish I'd already caught. *shakes head* 

-Sarnic Dirchi