Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Your Guinea Pig Is Ready

So a little over a month ago we had a guinea pig returned to the store for multiple issues.
The most pressing being a couple large lumps that had formed under the chin and on the back of the neck. 

We took the guinea pig to the vet to get the lumps checked out and subsequently drained before he was returned to us for us to then proceed to give him medicines to help keep the swelling down and to ensure no infections occurred, as well as keep the areas from getting all pussed filled and such. 

But after two or three weeks...that was finally overwith. 
The guinea pig had recovered and was healthy.

So I did what we always do when the customer wants the guinea pig back.
Called them.

Only the first time I called....I got no response and the customer's Voicemail was full so I couldn't leave a message.

I waited another day or so, called again a little bit later in the day...
And got an answer....only when I tried to explain to the customer on the other side of the phone that their guinea pig was healthy and ready to be returned to them....

The customer didn't understand what I was trying to tell them.
Whether it was a bad phone connection, or I wasn't explaining the situation well, or they weren't in a mindset to hear the situation....I didn't know.
They ended up hanging up on me before I could confirm whether or not they wanted the guinea pig still. 
-Because it does happen on occasion that customers decide they no longer want the animal after we get it healthy.

After asking a manager, they told me to call one more time in a day or two.
And if we got no response then it would be okay for us to put the guinea pig back on the floor to sell it.
After all we'd tried to contact them three times without success. 

Soo....after another day or so.
I called again.
And got no response. Again, couldn't leave a voicemail because the voicemail was still full. 

Technically at this point I could have put the guinea pig on the floor because I'd 'done my duty'

Only it didn't feel right to do so.
After all I'd only managed a shaky connection once. 
And I had no idea if they were for or against getting their guinea pig back.

But. Our cage space on the floor was full at that moment.
So I couldn't bring the guinea pig out to be sold even if I wanted to. 
And nobody really ever does anything with the animals in the back once they are healthy.
So I figured it was safe enough to leave it for another couple of days to try and call again.

Which I did.
To another no answer.

So I left it. 
Again. Because there was still no room on the floor for the guinea pig to come out.

But I knew we couldn't leave the guinea pig back there for forever.
Therefore, I decided....that I would make one more call. And if the customer didn't answer....I would then consider it done. I'd tried five times. That was enough.

So I called.
And to my surprise, the customer actually answered the phone.
After confirming that I was speaking to the customer I was like "Did you leave a guinea pig with us?"
"Cool, he's healthy and ready to be picked up!"

"ummm….about that."

Never words I want to hear.
Was I about to be told that the customer didn't want the guinea pig after all??

Apparently in the intermin of having this guinea pig with us....they'd got a second guinea pig.
So they needed to buy a bigger cage in order to give all three guinea pigs enough space.
But they needed to get the cage first. 
So they were wondering if it would be alright to pick the guinea pig up on Friday.
Which yah, sure, so long as you tell me when you're picking it up.
But knowing that there's always unforeseen issues.
I told them that they had until Saturday to pick him up.
Else we'd be putting him back onto the floor.

So *fingers crossed* that they actually come get it.
I won't know though for a little bit.
Because I'm not going to be at work Saturday.... :S Sooo hopefully they come get it.
Otherwise....when I come back into work....I 'll know what happened if he's still there. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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