Saturday, June 9, 2018


It's always nice to be appreciated. ^^;;

Had a customer come into the store today, one that I recognized as having helped before. Though with how time works in the store I couldn't remember how recently I'd helped her. Whether it had been a couple of days ago or up to a week....

But she'd come in to find a house for the hamster that she'd bought as the one they had had was too small. 

And she was super complimentary to me. ^^;; 

Lol she was telling me that she and her kids look forward to coming into the store while I'm working because I've been so helpful to them and that they never want me to leave the store and that one of her daughters wants to work in a petstore now.

And it was just like.... An Awwwww moment. 

To know that there are people out there who like to see me at work and look forward to me being on shift when they come in. :)

It was a heart warming moment. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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