Tuesday, June 12, 2018


We got in our reptile shipment today.
Which is uncommon but not unusual for a Tuesday.

As the reptiles can show up anytime between Tuesday and Friday.
Though most commonly they show up Thursday or Friday. 

So it was a bit of a surprise to get my shipment in today.

And it was like...a normal shipment.
Putting out lizards and snakes and turtles....

Until I got to our Red Eared Slider Turtle that we got in. 

And like right off the bat he didn't look right.
The top shell was more...concave than normal. Looking more like a rooftop with the shell coming up to a point at the spine...instead of being like smooth all the way over.

And then I lifted him out of his container.

And saw the stomach of his shell.

It was concave as well.
Bowing inwards.
Not straight and smooth like it was supposed to be.
Plus, the coloration of the red on the Slider's face was also very dingy and faint, not the bright red I'm used to seeing. 

So overall. 
They sent us an unhealthy turtle.

And I'm like. Why?!
Because even though he's active and swimming around...I'm definitely concerned about him.
Like...how can you expect us to sell such a malformed turtle?
How do we know he's healthy?
Because he certainly doesn't look healthy.

But since the reptiles are shipped to us and not brought in like the other animals are....
It's not a simple thing of saying "we don't want this, take it back."

Hopefully the manager's figured out a solution....
Guess we'll see. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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