Thursday, June 7, 2018


So one of my coworkers notified me at like 8:10 this morning (before we were open) that there was a customer on the fish aisle who looked like they needed help.

And me? Yah, I still totally want to go up to customers and tell them "We are closed until 9. GO AWAY" But nope. 
We're going the polite route. 
So I checked into see if he needed help.
He did. He wanted to find a way to get his hardwater down as it was testing too high.
Which easy answer.
He didn't need to get the hardwater down. Because the fish are used to being in hard water. It's when the water is too soft that there's cause for concern. 

So I told him that. He was happy.
And I left to do other things thinking that he would leave soon after.

But nearly an hour later.
Just before we did open.
I found him still in the same aisle. 

Which O.o 
Huh? Why are you still here?!
I mean it'd been like 45 minutes since I last spoke to him.'s not uncommon for customers to spend forever in the aisles deciding on products and such. 
It's just weird for it happen soo early in the morning.
Usually morning people need to be places. They don't have time to hang around as they're like dropping by on their way to school or work or an appointment or something.

Apparently not for this customer.
I don't know why he spent 45 mins there.

But towards opening he approached me asking if I could catch him some ghost shrimp and neon tetras.
Which easy enough....when the lights are on.
But the lights to the fish system don't turn on until the store opens. 
So I was trying to catch ghost shrimp in the semi dark tanks -as the only light hitting them at that point was the lights from the main store. 

The customer watched me for a second and was like "...don't you guys have lights for your tanks?" 
"Mhmm" I responded "But they don't turn on until we open. Which is in like 5 minutes. So right now they're off."
Yah. Silly customer. *shakes heads*

In any case. I was able to help him out, get his fish, answer his questions and send him on his merry way. ^^;; 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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