Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Guinea Pig Returns

So a while ago,
We had a couple of customers -two different people- return Guinea Pigs for a couple of different issues.
One had some sort of wound on his side -which kinda looked like a puncture wound. 
The other had some lumpy growths on the skin.

And both customers indicated that they wanted to buy their Guinea Pig back once they got better. 
-Which takes some time. 

--We guarantee our animals for a certain time frame, and if customers end up experiencing an issue where the animal needs to be taken to the vet within that period, we'll take the animal to the vet for the customer and treat it until it gets better and then when healthy, will call the customer up to say that their animal is ready to be returned to them. 

And it just so happened that yesterday, both those guinea pigs were determined to be recovered and healthy. 
So I gave both customers a call.
The one who had the guinea pig with the lumps didn't answer the phone and I couldn't leave a message because their voicemail was full. (at some point maybe we'll be able to text people. That would be so handy)
The second customer I also couldn't reach, but did leave a voicemail.

But today, the customer I'd left a voicemail for came in to get her guinea pig, the one with the puncture wound on the side.

And when I met up with her she was like "So what was the skin issue?" 

Uhmmm….it was wounded?
Like...it was kinda obvious what the issue was.
-Though I get the concern because some skin problems like Ringworm also involve scabbing and sometimes bleeding.

But nope. This guinea pig just had a wound. 
...it kinda looked like a puncture wound really. Like it had hit something sharp or something sharp had hit it.
But the wound healed without issue after we treated it. 

And after returning that guinea pig to that customer, I decided to try calling the other customer again, to see if calling slightly later in the day would result in someone picking up.

Which it did.

And I was so excited because I was like "Is this so and so?" And they were like "Yah?" And I was like "Hi! It's Sarnic from the Starsmet, I'm calling to say that your Guinea Pig is healthy and ready to be picked up!"

But the woman on the other end.....
Was like: "Huh? Who are you? I don't-- Huh? Can you say that again?" 
So I repeated myself like twice more and was like "You had a guinea pig you returned to us right?" 

To which she said something like "I don't--I'm not sure, I'm going to--" 
And then she hung up on me.

Which like...umm.....Did you want the guinea pig or not?
I almost think she was trying to find someone else to take the phone?
But like it was hard to know for sure because her side of the conversation had a lot of background noise and it sounded like she was speaking from a distance...so idk how much she was actually hearing.

But like I didn't know if I should try and call back or just leave it....

So I went to the managers on duty to tell them the situation as ask their opinion. 
And it was decided to wait a while and maybe have my manager call that customer back...

But my manager didn't come in until after I left sooo we'll probably need to contact the customer tomorrow. 

But yah. Weird. Like...I didn't know what to make of it. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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