Saturday, December 1, 2018

A Fight

I tried to bring out a couple of guinea pigs from our sick room (as they were now healthy) back onto the floor today.
Try being the key word.

As most of the time, our guinea pigs get along with each other.

But if you get one that's slightly larger than the rest, or one that's more aggressive than the others.
They don't take too nicely to newcomers when they're introduced back into the cage.

For the most part I don't usually have to worry about combing guinea pigs together.

But today I had a larger guinea pig in the cage with a bunch of smaller ones.
And when I brought out two more, one of those ones was of large size.

So of course the two bigs ones decided to take a disliking to each other.

And the one in the cage ended up drawing blood from the newcomer. 


It wasn't a bad wound.
A scratch by the eye.

But geez it bled a lot.

Big bright red droplets spattering all to the ground as I quickly pulled the guinea pig out of the cage, trying to keep him from bleeding all over while I was grabbing a paper towel to help staunch the blood and keep it from getting everywhere.

Which was interesting.
Because I was taking the whole situation rather calmly.
Just trying to get the guinea pig taken care of and make sure the bleeding had stopped before I moved him further away from the cage.

And my coworker nearby....had to turn and walk away. Because they can't stand the sight of blood.

I hadn't known that about them. 
It was just interesting because I was the one dealing with the wounds up close....
Of course I've seen a lot of things here at not much fazes me anymore.

But yah.
Glad I managed to get the guinea pig cleaned up a bit.

Though I had to take him back into the sick room so we can make sure the small wound on his head heals properly.
And definitely need to make sure he's not housed with another big guinea pig when he's able to go back out again. :) 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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