Monday, December 17, 2018

The Lid

An older woman came into the store today.
Looking for a lid for the tank that she'd bought.

Which of course I can find a li---

Then she said it was  2.5 gallon tank. 


….I don't sell lids that small.
Glass top lids come in 10 gallon size at the smallest. 

I mean, we had a tank that size that for like maybe 6 months came with a glass top lid.

But that was a year or two ago.

I've never, to my recollection have sold the lids by themselves.

The customer though?

She was insistent that she'd gotten lids that size from the store before.
She'd bought them.
So we HAD to have them.

At this point I wasn't even sure when she'd bought the tank. Like I'd been thinking recently.
But as she was talking....idk if this was an older tank or an older tank.


So I was like "Well, in the past 6 years I've been working here--"

To which she interrupted me and was like "Oh! I bought the lids like 15 years ago!" 

"Well in the past SIX years I've been Here we haven't sold the lids."

It confused the customer to hear that.

Apparently she thought that if we sold it once upon a time.
We would then ALWAYS sell it.

*shakes head*

That's not how retail works unfortunately.
Some products stay pretty much the same.
But companies and makers of things are always looking to improve things. 
So designs are changing, styles are changing, sizes come in and out of favor.

Companies stop making products.
Or change them.
Or stop selling them in our location because they weren't popular sellers. 

So yah.
We didn't have the lids.

"Where am I going to find one then!" was her demand.

*shrugs* I have no idea.
Online is the easiest answer.

But of course She "doesn't do the online shopping." *shakes heads* 
So maybe it would be our competitor or the local pet stores that have them.

But honestly I don't know. 

Hopefully she finds one eventually though.

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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