Tuesday, December 11, 2018


One of my coworkers told me an interesting thing today.

In that they are....apparently allergic to birds.
At least the feathers. To the point where they can break out in hives if they come in contact with them. 

Which. I can get not wanting to be around them.
I mean another coworker can't be near the birds because they're allergic to the pine bedding we use in the bottom of the cages. 

But no...what's notable about finding out my coworker was allergic to birds...

Is that they've been in the department for like two or so months now?
And this is the first I'm hearing of this allergy.

I mean I even told my coworker on Saturday to open the floor because I hadn't gotten to it due to customers and that requires feeding the birds....

And like....the coworker only brought it up AFTER I told them that Birds needed to be done. Food/Water switched out. It's like one of the easiest tasks there is.

And they'd gone to go do the task...but like ten minutes later, they came out of the backroom -where the cart of food for the birds was- to then tell me that they were allergic.

Like....Why did you bring it up now?
Did you not Touch the Birds, Saturday when I thought you had?
Did that mean that the Birds weren't FED Saturday because you DIDN'T Do what I thought you'd done?
Like...WHEN did you think the birds got FED if you WEREN'T FEEDING THEM? IT's a morning Task!!

So yah. 
I was a bit irritated because a) that was one more thing I had to do now 
and I don't even know if it's like a real allergy.

Like I can get that it's real. I will believe it's real until proven otherwise.
But because the manager wasn't even aware of this....
I do wonder if it was true or if it was something said to get out of the task...

In the end though....
Why work in a PET STORE if you're ALLRGIC to the ANIMALS???

Like sure. Be a Cashier. Be a Stocker. You don't often deal with birds there.
But in MY department? That's like one of the major things we do. We have to feed the birds, clean their cages, Catch them for customers....

Yah... >.> 
I'll have to keep an eye out.
And see.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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