Monday, December 3, 2018

Small Crickets

So at work we have this thing where we prebag crickets for customers so that if we're busy helping another customer, then the customer needing crickets can just grab a bag and go.

And usually we do them in different amounts. Because there are customers who need only 6 crickets, others need 24, while yet others need 76. So like I usually bag up a variety of numbers to try and help as many customers as possible.

But today when I went to look in our small cricket bin.
I could see barely like...200 crickets in there.

Aka. We're really low. 

And when I have so few crickets...
I don't usually bag them up because I don't want to bag up the wrong amount as some days everyone needs like 24 crickets, while others people only need like 6. 

I didn't bag up any.

And it confused multiple customers.

Because they're like "Are you out of small crickets? You don't have any bagged up." 

So...note to self.
If I do have some I should probably bag up a couple of smaller amounts.
That way it will show people that we do have crickets. As they'll just assume the other larger amounts were taken earlier. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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