Wednesday, July 24, 2019


*Shakes head*
I don't get my coworkers sometimes.

So in our Iso room there's a leopard gecko that's been back there for over a month now.
He's not eating on his own, and was originally isolated because his tail was skinnier than the others. 

-I don't really think that a 'skinny' tail is a reason to isolate leopard geckos. Because it takes forever to get those tails fat and some leopard geckos eat easily enough but don't get their tails fat....

In any case. 

We took the leopard gecko to the vet once, and were given meds to treat him, but nothing changed. The leopard gecko's tail remained skinny, he still refuses to eat without being forcefed. 

But otherwise he's remained stable. Not getting fatter, but not getting skinnier either. 

He's stable. He moves around the cage and appears active enough.

So we're mostly playing the wait and see game to see if we can get him to eat on his own. Because if we can then we can get him back onto the floor.

But every single shift a particular coworker works, they end up leaving a note that the leopard gecko needs to see the Vet. 
Despite being told at least twice by our Head Manager that a vet visit isn't necessary because he's in a stable condition.
Besides what is the vet going to tell us?
More than likely to keep force feeding the leopard gecko. 


And I came into the work this morning to find...Yet another note from the coworker about the leopard gecko needing a vet.
Despite being told multiple times that he's fine as is. 

I get wanting to get him good care and such.
But sometimes there isn't anything you can do but play the waiting game. 

I do hope we can get the leopard gecko better sooner rather than later. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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