Monday, July 15, 2019

Spitting Puddles

I came into work today to find that the fish system was doing the "turn on turn off turn on" thing it usually does when a) the water has been turned off for too long and the water levels are having trouble getting high enough to properly flow through all the tubes or b) the fish filters hadn't been changed out.
Answer was probably both. But definitely the fish filters hadn't been changed. :S 

In any case.
As soon as I clocked in I went into the back and turned off the fish system as that things probably been trying to turn fully on all night long, and let it rest for a few minutes while I went and pulled out the grimy definitely hadn't been changed, fish filters out and replaced them with fresh ones.
Then flipped the switch.

And walla. System was back to normal.

Though the floor around the fish tanks themselves had gotten a bit wet.
As in its effort to turn on the fish system had been spitting water with more force therefore spitting water out of the tanks and onto the floor.

So I had three nice puddles going.
Which with the amount of water on the floor, told me that the fish system had been attempting to stay on for most of the night.

Thankfully we were able to get the puddles cleaned up and gone before the store opened.
And the fish system stayed on the entire time I was working on shift. 
So yay. :) 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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