Thursday, July 25, 2019

Soda Everywhere

A couple of customers came into the store today, looking for a blue/black light that would help them look for urine stains.
After I'd done my best to find a good solution for them, one of the customers asked me if we had a soda machine.
Which we did. 
So they went back to buy a soda....
And had a mishap while leaving the store. 
Where they ended up dropping their soda inbetween our two sets of sliding glass doors.
And that thing spilt everywhere.
Shooting out like a geyser getting the entire area where we keep the carts soaked in soda.
-Thankfully it was on the far side away from all the shopping carts we have.
But the walls, doors, couple pamphlets holders, floors, etc were covered in the sticky liquid.

However, cleaning up was a bit more difficult than it should have been. 
Because the friend of the customer looking for the blue light, was....well acting off.
They'd plugged their phone into an outlet there and were having quite the conversation....and were very defensive about us being in the same area as them.
So we had to hang out and wait until the customer finished their phone conversation before we could go in and clean up the sticky mess. 

*exhales* Seems like they were having a bad day. 
Hopefully it got better afterwards.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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