Saturday, August 24, 2019

The KingSnake

-_- So this morning I came in to a note stating that our KingSnake was on hold until this morning for a customer.
Which was irritating because we don't put our animals on hold for customers.
There's too much of a chance of miscommunication happening, or something happening to the animal, or like the customer never coming back....
So yah. We don't put animals on hold.

But apparently the animal was put on hold because the snake had come in on Thursday and the customer wanted to buy it Friday but my coworker thought it would be better to let the snake stay in the store for another day so it wouldn't stress out....*exhales* Which honestly. I doubt the snake would have had issues if it had been sold yesterday. We've sold plenty of animals the same day they're put out on the floor and it doesn't usually cause problems. 

In any case.
The morning came and went.
And guess what?
No customer showed up to purchase the King Snake.

But then, while I was on lunch.
The customer showed up.
Which was after NOON.
Hardly first thing in the morning like the customer originally promised. 

-This is also why we don't put animals on hold because customers don't usually show up when they say they will.

In any case.
My coworkers were helping the customer to get their snake.
And...were having issues.

And upon coming back from break I immediately knew why.

Because this customer is one that I've dealt with like a dozen times before.
And they are always....chaotic.
Some times it's simple.
Othertimes it's...crazy.

This particular customer has bought a ton of lizards and frogs from us. Mostly Anoles, Long-Tailed Lizards, and Green Tree frogs.
And apparently snakes as the customer thought that I'd helped them purchase a few as well...though I don't really recall that.

In any case.
I don't like this customer.
Because they're always asking very particular and difficult questions, almost always saying that 'they're in a hurry', but are almost always in the store for a good hour or so, constantly coming up to you with more questions that aren't always answerable. And like....when they finally go up to the register to checkout they end up leaving it at least three times to go ask more questions before they actually purchase things.
The customer is chaotic. 
And I hate dealing with them because I don't like their energy. There's something 'off' about them and I don't like being around them.

Today the customer was causing issues because they wanted to buy the kingsnake.
but also buy goldfish to feed the kingsnake despite us telling the customer that kingsnakes don't usually eat fish. 
Customer remained unconvinced and at one point while my coworker was bagging up the goldfish and asking questions to make sure the goldfish were bagged properly...told my coworker to 'do their stupid job' or some similar statement.

They also tried to walk into the backroom behind the fishwall when my coworkers retreated there to get the container to carry the snake in.
To which the coworker threw a fit because they 'had a container' they were 'buying a tank.'

And it took a minute to understand that the tank the customer was buying to move their anoles into was what they wanted the snake transferred in because they believed that the snake would be more stressed out in the container than in a larger tank.

So it was going to be ring around the rosie when they got home.

In any case.
We managed to get it sorted, have the customer buy the tank and the snake first and then have them get the tank 'set up' for the snake before we moved the snake into the tank. 

*exhales* But the customer didn't leave right after putting the snake in the tank.
No they hung out for whatever reason for a while by the registers before finally finally leaving the store.

Which the whole store basically celebrated when they finally walked out because GAH. That customer is so chaotic and difficult to work with. XP 

I honestly hope they don't come back anytime soon.
but with my luck they'll be back within the week for another pet or some issue. *exhales* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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