Saturday, August 31, 2019


I was helping a young family look at our Small Pets today.
The various hamsters and Guinea Pigs mostly. Helping them to figure out which pet would be best for their children.
-I suggested Guinea Pig-

In any case, while in the course of that Conversation I brought up that we only carry males of the various rodents to prevent breeding from happening within the store.

Which didn't really effect the family much,
but when I was done with them and moved on to the next customer, they were like "Yah...I overheard your conversation about only carrying males and I was actually looking for Female mice. 

Yah. No. Our sister store further north of us carries females.
But my store only ever gets the males in.

So I offered to call our Sister Store to see if they had any female mice available, that way the customer wouldn't be driving all the way up there only to find they didn't have any.

Sister-Store said that they had two or three mice.
So I asked them if they could do a brief hold on them so the customer could come up and grab them.
They were very very very very very reluctant to do so despite my assurances that the customer was literally on their way right then so it wouldn't be longer than maybe half an hour.

They finally acquiesced and so I sent the customer out the door.

I didn't think much more on it, besides the 'I hope they get their mice.' sort of thoughts.

Until the end of my shift.
When another customer came into the store wanting to look at our mice.
So I showed them the ones we had, double checking to make sure they wanted them as pets instead of as feeders -as I had a different gentleman come in looking for pinkies as feeders earlier-- and after showing the customer the mice, mentioned that they were male.

Which...nope. They too were apparently looking to get a couple of female mice.
And they'd already been to the Sister-Store only to find they were out of mice (so proving that the earlier customer had managed to get their mice) 

I ended up directing them to our competitor down the street as I think they carried both genders, and if not our competitor then there was a local petstore a stone's throw away that might also have the female mice they were looking for.

*fingers crossed* that they found them as my Sister-Store probably won't get more mice in until next weekend.

But's interesting that after like...not having anyone interested in the mice for the past little bit...suddenly two different customers come in on the same day looking for the same gender of mice in the same number. *shakes head* So weird how those coincidences happen.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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