Saturday, January 2, 2021

Don't. Sit. There.

 So I had this couple come into the store.

Apparently wanting to adopt a cat.

Problem was...we didn't have any cats available for adoption because our adoption group hasn't brought in any more as the rest were adopted for Christmas.

And apparently this was a huge wrench in the couple's plans. As they were expecting to find cats and to not find cats...was bad for them.

To the point where they needed to find a place to regroup and figure out who in the valley actually carried cats that they could go look at and possibly adopt. 

This regrouping....took place with both couples sitting on the floor of our store by our display fishtanks.

Which....*exhales* Like One. They were blocking the aisle so that customers were having to move around them in order to get to and from the fish wall.

And like Two...they decided in order to properly get on the phone and call other places and figure out their plan...they needed to take off their masks.

Which no. You don't take off your mask in the store. That's why there's a mask requirement.

And Three.

Never. Ever. EVER sit on the floor of a pet store.

Especially one that allows customers to bring their pets aka their dogs into the store.

As said dogs....don't always behave themselves.

So yah. Our floors have been peed on multiple times.

And we do our best to keep those floors clean. 

But like....even if we kept them's not a good idea to sit on the floor of a petstore.

Not when you have no idea what has been in the spot you're sitting on before you sat there.

I was glad when they finally left....

As it was kinda stressful just watching them sit there.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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