Saturday, February 13, 2021

Already Dead

So yesterday, I ended up catching like ten glofish for a customer. 2 greens, 2 reds, 2 purples, 2 blues, 2 oranges. 

It seemed like a bit much to add at once, but at the time I was trying to keep up with a rush of customers and so didn't question it too much hoping....hoping...that this customer actually knew what they were doing.



Well....I don't know what they did, but they did it wrong.

As apparently the guy's other fish are all perfectly fine. 

But somehow ALL of the glofish tetras I'd caught for him yesterday....died. 

Like....what did you do put them in salt dude?? 

It's just....weird.

As I caught those fish from 3 different tanks.

And to have only the glofish die?

It's rather suspicious. 

Though I don't know the entire story of how the dude managed to kill all the I was helping another customer when he came in and my coworker ended up reaching him and assisting before I got there. 

But's weird. So weird. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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