Saturday, February 27, 2021

On the Register

I ended up getting stuck on the register today.

Like for the first...I don't know...two or three hours of my felt like I spent most of it on the register helping to backup cashier and to be the cashier to cover breaks and such.

Which....not my most favorite place to be in the store. 

Like in normal times I didn't ever like register because you basically just stand there waiting for people to come to you...and I much prefer the freedom of wandering around the store.

During current times aka pandemic times....I really don't like getting stuck on register because you encounter waaaaay more people on register than anywhere else in the store.

After all, you have to check out all the customers buying things. Soo you interact with far more people than if you're in the back stocking, or wandering around the store helping people with their questions.

I mean yes, if it's a slow day in the store, then you end up interacting with basically everyone anyways whether you're on the floor or on register.

But still. It's not my favorite place to be. 

About the only interesting thing about register is seeing how much money people are willing to spend on their pets. Like you get the people who are ecking out as much bang for their buck as they can. And then others who will happily drop $100-$300 without blinking an eye.

You get all sorts here.

But probably the memorable experience of being on register today was an older gentleman who came in to buy a dog carrier and made a point to tell me at the register that the guy who helped him out on the floor had done an amazing job and that he deserved a raise.

lol don't we all? Pretty sure all of us in the store deserve a raise after all the crap we've had to deal with with all the pandemic related chaos. 

But it's nice to have customers make a point to compliment our workers. To tell them that they did a great job and wonderful service.

Lol and the gentleman made a point to tell me that I was doing a great job too and that I also deserved the raise.

XD lol. It was a good moment. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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