Friday, February 26, 2021

Let Me In!

So there's this old guy who is a regular grooming customer at our salon.

He probably only comes in like once a month. But it sometimes feels like more often.

And he's notable and memorable mostly because he comes in first thing in the morning right when Grooming opens up.

And since the pandemic...has also been notable in the fact that he never seems to be wearing a mask when he walks in the store.

Like this dude is definitely in the 'at high risk' age range...and he's just wandering around willy nilly without a mask on.

He's quite willing to put one on if you offer it to him....but like he hardly remembers to bring his own. And today forgot to wear it twice. Once when dropping off the dog, and again when picking it up.

Who knows...maybe he got the vaccine and thinks he's safe now? Who knows. 

In any case.

He showed up right at 8am wanting to drop off his dog at the grooming salon.

Only....our salon was still dark. No one had arrived yet.

Which is unusual...and so I went to go investigate why no one had come in yet especially when we apparently had a customer waiting.

And the person scheduled in was the only one scheduled in. And so they had been told to come half an hour later when the second grooming person was scheduled. 

As it's policy that you can't groom any dogs unless there are two people present in the salon. And so the first groomer didn't want to waste time sitting around doing nothing. 

Especially since the first customer wasn't scheduled to come in until 9. 

That's right.

The old guy came in an HOUR early to drop off his dog.


And when I informed him that our grooming salon wouldn't be opening until 8:30 today due to a scheduling issue. He was like "But your sign says you open at Eight!" 

Well...yah....but like I said. There was a grooming issue.

And he was like "But I have to get to work!"

(At his age he should be retired.) 

"Can't you just take my dog into the back for me and put it in the cage?"

Ha. No.

Because the groomers have to 'check in' your dog and they have to 'evaluate' your dog to make sure it's healthy, happy, and able to be groomed. We don't just go "Oh yes, you're here let me put the dog in back and call it good."

No. We don't do that.

And I have no training whatsoever in grooming. That's not my expertise or responsibility in the store. 

-And by this point I'd been made aware that he was an hour early. So like....dude. You're early. Not my fault. If you wanted to drop off your dog early you need to call first and make sure it's okay because often they don't want you to bring your dog until the appointed time. We're not a doggy day care. It's a grooming salon. 


In any case. Our groomer happened to come in a few minutes later and so was able to check the dude's dog in so he could go off to 'work'

Though again. I do wonder what his 'job' is.

Because he was back in the store at 11:15 to pick up his dog from its groom.

And last I checked....there aren't many places that schedule two hour shifts.

Of course he could be on like "crossing guard" duty or could have taken a 'lunch break' to pick up his dog.

But I kinda just feel like he pulled the "I got to go to work!" excuse to try and force our hand and let him drop off his dog earlier.

*rolls eyes* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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