Friday, February 12, 2021

Crate Training

 So we've been going through a bit of a crate shortage at our store. 

Who knows exactly why they're struggling to get dog crates sent to us. 

But they are. 

As we've been out of most of our major crates for like...a month now if not longer than that.

Which is bad when everyone and their mom has gotten the 'puppy bug' and wants to 'crate train' their new family member....

Because basically as soon as the crates hit the shelves....they're gone.

And one thing that isn't really helping matters is that we have 'display crates' on display on a shelf about head height.

So basically it's still low enough that customers can reach up and grab it down if needed.

Which many customers 'need' them.

It happens at least six times a week...and sometimes multiple times a day where I'll find customers on their way to the front of the store (if they haven't already made it to the register) with the display crate in their carts....and I have to tell them that that cage is only for display...we can't sell it to them.

Honestly, I just want to take the crates down and move them into a back room until we actually get the ones we can sell back in stock. 
However, my head manager has nixed that idea as the crates help to 'fill the empty spaces' *exhales*

I did manage to convince my head manager that we should at least take down the price tags underneath the display crates, as I'm pretty certain seeing a price tag below them makes customers think that they can purchase them....despite the "DISPLAY ONLY" signs on them. 

We'll see if taking those prices down helps at all.

But in any case, I had to deal with a customer who gave me quite the puppy dog eyes when I told her that she couldn't buy the display crate she was trying to take up to the front.

"But we're picking up our puppy and we neeeeeeddd it." 

Mhmm you and the twenty other people I've informed the past couple weeks. 

Luckily for her we actually had the crate size she was trying to buy in stock albeit in a different brand...though good news it was the less expensive brand so they ended up saving like $10 or so by buying that one.

But yah.

Hopefully we can get our crates in soon. *fingers crossed*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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