Monday, March 22, 2021

A Difference in 'Color'

There was a customer who came into the store today who wanted to get twenty ghost shrimp.

Which...that's a lot of shrimp to catch when the tricky litter buggers tend to be quick and like to swim/jump out of the net.

But twenty isn't too crazy of a number.

Unless the customer decides to be difficult.

And the customer decided to be difficult.

Like it's not a big deal if people want their shrimp to be bigger or smaller. That's an easy enough distinction to make.

But this customer?

They wanted the "Colored" Ghost Shrimp.


Ghost Shrimp are called Ghost shrimp because they're see-through. Aka. They don't have color. They're clear.

There isn't really anything to distinguish them from each other beyond their size and if the females have eggs visible within them.

But the customer insisted that 'some' of them had color.

*shakes head* 

The color? 

From what I could tell the customer was seeing 'color' in the organs and food and eggs and such. Basically they wanted any shrimp that 'didn't look like the other' 

Which again. They all practically look the same.

So it ended up being a bit of a game between us.

Where I would try and catch as many ghost shrimp as I could.

While the customer would look in the tank and pick out specific ones that they wanted that had the 'color' to them.

I think in the end they managed to hand pick like...6 of them? While I managed to fish out 14 others without interference.

Because there was no way I was going to stand there for twenty minutes fishing out one stupid ghost shrimp at a time because the customer thought that they had a different color when they're literally all the same freaking color.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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