Friday, March 26, 2021

Covering Register

I ended up getting stuck on register for hour today pretty soon after I came into work because our cashier needed to take their lunch and I was the individual who was the 'most free.' at the moment.

And like...I don't mind covering the register for a lunch break. It's only 30 minutes of having to interact with people. Nothing too crazy and I can handle having nothing to do for that long if it ends up being a dead period.

But like. I tend to plan on how much energy I'm going to be spending doing certain tasks.

So if I'm planning to only be on the register for half an hour...and it takes longer...than my irritation ends up getting triggered as I'm forced to be someplace that I wasn't expecting to be for longer than I wanted to be.

This ended up being the case because our cashier -who is usually a stocker- went to our head manager and asked if they could be off register for a little bit longer and help out elsewhere in the store before they went crazy.

Which I hear you.

If you have any experience elsewhere in the store besides on register...then cashiering shifts are the worst shifts ever. Just having to stand there and wait for people to come to you to buy things. 

And the head manager granted my coworker's request and had them work on a 'single pallet' in the back to get all the product out on the shelf.

And like....H.M. made it sound like it would only be another 15 minutes or so. That this would be a 'quick task' my coworker could do before returning to register.


Took them like 45 minutes to get back to me. XP 


I can't fault them.

But I really didn't appreciate being stuck in a place I wasn't planning to be stuck at for over an hour. 

Not. Fun.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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