Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Why This Cat?

 So recently we've been getting some complaints from customers about how 'quickly' (aka not at all) our adoption group has been responding to applications sent in by people to adopt out the cats that are in our adoption center.

In particular is an Orange Tabby called Bob Hope who seems to be the star of the show...and yet is still here in the store. 

So I reached out to the adoption group to see how long it takes for responses to occur to people.

And I was told that they should be receiving a response from them within two days on whether or not their application was accepted.

And that part of the reason why Bob Hope hasn't been adopted yet is because applicants keep indicating that they want him to be an outdoor cat...and the adoption group doesn't adopt out 'outdoor' cats. They only do 'indoor cats'

In any case.

We've had this really persistant customer, who's called us multiple times absolutely frantic about the fact that they've been 'trying to reach' the adoption group and 'haven't received a response' about their application to adopt out Bob. 

One of my fellow managers managed to get this customer's name and info so I could send it along to the adoption group to see what was going on there.

And it turns out that the customer has been rejected by the adoption group as a good fit for Bob.

One reason was because the customer wanted to keep him outside.

But the main reason for rejecting this customer was because the customer had owned cats before...and abandoned them in other states. Namely California and New York.

I don't know how the adoption group found that out, if the customer had admitted to it or if there's like a record of adoptions made in the country that various groups can access...

But because the customer had abandoned the cats....they were deemed not a good fit for Bob Hope and therefore unable to adopt him.

And like...I can understand circumstances happening where you might have to rehome one cat for some reason.

But...it's been multiple cats. in at least TWO different states that have found a home with this customer only to be left behind by them. 

Which shows that the customer isn't able to hold a long term commitment of owning a cat and could possibly abandon Bob Hope as soon as they happen to move again. 

And it makes me wonder...because the adoption group contacts all applicants on their status....why this particular customer is so frantic to get the cat.

Like why this cat? Why do you NEED him so much? Why are you trying to go through every single route available to get this particular cat?

It's kinda...suspicious. Weird. *shakes head* 

I can only hope he gets adopted by a good owner soon so if this customer calls again they can be told he's found a home with someone else.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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