Monday, March 1, 2021

Register Drama

So today...was a day of 'difficult' customers at the register.

It may be because it's a new month. It may be because it's a monday. It could be spring fever. Who knows.

The customers were just...more difficult today. 

And it might have been me feeling a bit sleep deprived. It could be me fighting my own irritations of the morning. It could be the constant talking over the radio for the first hour or so of the shift.


It was frustrating to constantly having to be heading up to the front to rescue the cashier from whatever BS the customers decided to throw their way.

Like there was a dude who needed help fitting his dog with a harness.

And he walked to the harness aisle. Waited like maybe ten seconds. Thought "Oh hey no one is coming!" and went right back up to the front to ask the cashier if 'anyone else' was avaiable to help...when I had arrived five seconds after him to the aisle and was confused why no one was there. *shakes head* 

Or the dude who asked "WHERE IS EVERYONE?!" when he saw me because he needed help at the fishwall because beyond the cashier I was the first person he'd seen...because he'd had the excellent timing to come right when the other four people in the store all happened to be in the back of the store for various reasons.

Or the two or three customers who decided that they needed to buy their $20 item with a a $50 or $100 bill first thing in the morning and totally wiped us out of our $20s and $10s in the tills right off the back so we had to go exchange out bills in the safe so that we could actually have the proper bills to give people the right amount of change.

Or it could be the customer who was just 'quick' enough in the store that they noticed a sale was still up that had expired yesterday and insisted that they get their 'buy one get one half off." deal.

Or that that same customer tried to take advantage of a different buy 3 get the 4th free deal but the sale apparently hadn't yet activated or something because it didn't ring up at the register so once again a manager had to be called up to take care of the situation.

It was never ending it felt like.

Every two minutes it was like there was some issue at the register (and yes my sleep deprived self is exaggerating this a little bit but the register related calls just kept coming one after the other) and a manager was needed to come help out.


It was frustrating.

Lol though the most memorable customer of the day was a gentleman who came into the store to try and return some wood shavings he'd bought a couple of days ago. 

Which I vaguely remembered helping this customer. As I'm pretty sure he was looking for cedar wood shavings for his dog house and we only had pine or aspen and he'd tried pine and his dog hadn't liked it so I suggested he try aspen instead and told him if it didn't work that he could bring it back and get his money back so long as half of it was unused.

Considering the bag wasn't even opened....I wonder if he ended up finding his wood shavings elsewhere.

In any case.

He wanted to return the wood shavings and get his money back.

Only...he'd forgotten his receipt.

No biggie. We can just look it up under his phone number.

Only...when the cashier tried to look it up....nothing showed up. The phone number that the dude swore up and down that he uses every single time he comes into the store...showed no purchase history.

Again. No biggie. Sometimes the computers are dumb. So I took down some information about his purchase, the dates, what he bought, and what card he used....and tried to look up the card in our computer system to see if we could pull up the receipt there.

Except...despite him swearing up and down that that was the card he'd used....

No history showed up.


Because the wood shavings weren't that expensive, my head manager gave me permission to just to a no receipt return. 

But the dude was like "Seriously. I use this phone number and this card all the time and you can't find anything?! Anywhere?!" before I could start his return.

So I pulled out our ipad that we mostly use for online orders because we have an app on that too where you can look up customers receipts there.

And nope.

Still nothing pulled up.

And who knows why I did it...but I ended up putting the customer's phone number into our register again, just to see what pulled up.

And the number worked.

Only...instead of the phone number the dude gave me showing up underneath his name...a different number entirely showed up in the system. O.o 
I was like "hey that's weird."

And he was like " are my receipts under that number instead?"

A check of that number -which apparently had been an old home number that they hadn't used in years. Showed that all his purchases aka his receipts were listed under that old number. 

Including the one from a couple of days ago. 

Lol and the kicker?

The card the dude swore he used when he bought the wood shavings....wasn't the card he used. 

He used a different one lol. *shakes head*

So he had the wrong phone number and the wrong card. 

It was no wonder that we couldn't find anything. lol.

He was like "It's obviously brain isn't working...and I need coke."

Like dude. Me too. A caffeine fix would help immensely.

Lol and he took his mistake rather gracefully, even going so far as to go apologize to our cashier for his mistake.

So yah. Fun times.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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