Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Humidity and Temperature

So one of the things that we failed when the auditor dropped by.
Was that apparently....basically none of our humidity/thermometer gauges worked in our reptile cages. 

Which I suppose isn't surprising because I think some of them were still in the cage when I started working...and I think the last time I replaced them was like 4 or 5 years ago for most of them.

It's just one of those things that you think won't well....stop working.
Like how can a thermometer stop working? I don't get it. 

In any case.
That's not good that practically none of them were properly working.
So my managers -to show that they're working to get the store in compliance- went ahead and ordered some so that we could get them all replaced. 

Unfortunately for us. The supplier caps us at a limit.
So we were only able to get 12 of each type.

Which....would have been enough...if I didn't have two endcaps of reptile cages instead of the one that most stores have. 

But those gauges came in today!!
And the manager tasked me with removing the old ones and replacing them with new ones and making sure they were all located in the same spot so they would be easy to check and consistent with each cage.

So yah, I picked one of the endcaps and went ahead and replaced every gauge in those cages.
Which was quite a process.
As some were quite firmly stuck onto the side of the cage.

But in the end. The one endcap ended up with all shiny brand new gauges. :D Yay!!
^^;; lol it's going to be 'fun' having to do the other side once the next batch shows up. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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