Saturday, February 23, 2019

Whatcha Doing There?

I made the mistake of not asking more details from a customer before catching out the fish he wanted.

I should have realized when the customer was like "Just pick out six random fish for me that are bigger and go together."

I did go "How big is your tank?" And they pointed to our 5 gallon size.
Which for 6 fish was already a lot.
But I'd already caught the fish when I'd though to ask...

As he had asked me how often he needed to change the water.
And depends on if the tank has a filter or not.

And their tank didn't.
Which more alarm bells as the fish need a filter and a heater to do well and such. 

So I showed him like everything that they'd need to get to get the fish.
And he settled on the 5 gallon size even though the 10 gallon size would have been better.
And like putting 6 fish straight into a 5 gallon tank isn't a good idea either, but like...I'd already bagged up the fish. *exhales*

So yah, I did my best to ensure the fish's survival and such.
And right before I went on lunch I saw the guy buying everything and the fish and the manager was answering more questions for him because the manager had jumped on register to help out. 

But then when I got back from my lunch....
The fish I had bagged up were sitting on the podium....


I turns out the dude had returned the fish...and I'm guessing everything else.

Which is surprisingly fast as I'm pretty certain that he was buying the fish when I went on lunch and not returning them at that point.
Which means in like half an hour he changed his mind.

I wonder if he even left the store...or even the parking lot.
Because like there was no attempt whatsoever to set up the tank or unbag the fish.....

And as I was figuring out if the fish had been returned or not.
I noticed what looked to be the same guy at the register again...
Apparently buying birds now. As he had a bird cage in his cart and two boxes with -parakeets?- inside to take home. 

That's quite the different choice going from fish to birds....but maybe he was looking for an 'easier' pet than caring for fish??

Which....both have their ease and difficulties..... 

Like maybe an hour later? 

Guess what go returned?

Yep. The bird cage and the birds.

Everything still in the box.

Nothing taken out. 

Which makes me wonder....

Was he just trying to surprise someone at home with a pet and they're like "No I don't want that! Take it back and get me something else?!" he just really indecisive and didn't want to deal with 'work'

To my knowledge he didn't buy anything after that.

But like.
I'm so confused.
That's a really quick turn around for purchasing animals.

Like sure. A day isn't surprising.

But minutes??

I don't get it.
Not at all. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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