Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Slow Opening

It was one of those days...where I seriously wondered what my coworker was up to for most of the shift.

Because I've been opening for a while, I have a good idea on how long feasibly it takes to get certain tasks done depending on the number of animals involved in said task. 

But the tasks today that I set my coworker...shouldn't have taken longer than like an hour to do?
For three different tasks....

Yet, I managed to finish my own tasks which is like a three hour thing to do....well before my coworker finished doing theirs....

And like I get it.
I know that they were busy for a bit answering the phone that never seemed to stop ringing.
And one of the tasks involved our ISO room where practically ever animal within needed to be given medication which always slows down the process a lot because not every animal is cooperative when being given medicine....

But at the same time I feel like it could have been done faster.

It's hard to know.

Still though, at least there's a learning curve here where I figure out what tasks are best to set to each of my coworkers where we can get things done in a timely manner....and I'm not left feeling like I could have opened the department by myself and ended up in the same spot as opening with my coworker. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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