Thursday, May 9, 2019

Cages Cages

So at work we have 2 endcaps of reptile cages.
So like 21 reptile cages total of varying sizes divided between the two spaces.

And a while ago my manager was trying to get rid of one because most of those cages had been empty for like....ever.
Because for whatever reason our breeders weren't sending us snakes....and so we had like 7? cages meant for snakes and only like 2 or 3 filled at a time.

But with some creative juggling.
I actually got to the point where only 2 cages on one side were full (so like 8/10 cages were empty)
Which the manager wanted me to do so we could show that we weren't getting much use out of having 2 endcaps of reptiles.

Which like a week or two later...
We ended up getting a ton of reptiles in lol. So we now actually use a lot of the cages. 

In any case.

We have this one large cage -meant for tortoises that was part of those 'we don't use this any more' cages because it's....well the lid is broken. So we can't fully utilize it. 

And pricing it out.
The cage costs like....$500 to replace. 
O-O So expensive.
I understand why previous managers haven't done it.

But today.
The manager was looking at that cage and musing about potential things we could do.

and he was talking about getting rid of all three of our larger cages.
-Like 4 feet long large-
Because we don't really use them to their full potential.
And the bigger bottom ones are just...hard to clean and hard to see into. 

So we talked about replacing the three large ones with slightly smaller ones so that we could fit two medium sized cages in those slots.
And thereby be able to use them more effectively because most of the animals we get in are tiny/small and don't need that full 4 feet of space.

-It was meant for tortoises, turtles and Chinese water dragons.
But currently only the tortoises are being used in the large tank.
2 of the others remain empty.

And those 2 are still empty.

But we got in the reptile shipment today.
And what was inside?

Two more tortoises.
Meaning that we now have 3 in one cage.
Meaning that we do need the larger cage to house them lol. 

The manager was semi frustrated with that lol. XD lol
Everytime he talks about doing something with the reptile cages, we end up needing to use what we already have lol. 

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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