Saturday, May 18, 2019

No Cats?

I happened to be by our adoption table when a woman approached.
I'd just been asking the group that had shown up with a handful of dogs if their adoption group would be bringing any cats.
To which the representative said that they weren't going to have any cats right now.

Which was when the woman basically stepped in.
"You have no cats?!"

"No, we do." I quickly disagreed.
Because we did. A different adoption group currently had cats in our adoption area as we have space for adoption groups to keep cats within the store and each group switches who's cats are in the store each month.
"They're just from a different adoption group." 

But the woman didn't seem to hear me.

"So you have no cats?" she repeated.

"We do--"

But even after repeating myself like twice more....
She didn't seem to comprehend.
She was entirely focused on the representative in front of her and wasn't paying any real attention to me because she was looking for a specific cat that wouldn't trigger allergies. 


Unfortunately I couldn't direct the woman to the adoptions because we didn't have any of the types of cats -Ragdolls or Russian Blues- that she was looking for either. 

But I did see her later on looking at the cats.
So at least she found them eventually. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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