Monday, May 6, 2019

Insect Demon

The crazy waxworm lady came back.

A lady who insists that her waxworms keep dying, and last week brought in the bodies and made me count them.....

Came in today claiming that 30 of those waxworms had died.

Apparently because they were 'too cold?'
Didn't know that was a thing really.
But like the temperature in our fridge hasn't changed at all.

But I felt bad for the poor manager who had to deal with her. 
Because she spent like a good twenty minutes trying to appease the crazy lady who didn't bring in those 30 dead ones.

I don't see what the big deal is.
Yes. Some of the waxworms will die.
They are INSECTS.
They don't LIVE long.

Under the right care they can be good for like a month or so.

But I have no idea what sort of care this lady is taking for these wax worms.

Not good enough.
Because like.
We haven't really had anyone else come in complaining about their waxworms all dying quickly.

So my guess is the issue is more on her end.

But in either case.
I don't think we're going to see the end of her yet.
Though I do hope we'll eventually reach a point where she stops coming in.

Maybe we'll be lucky and the head manager will be in next time she comes in and he can politely tell her to buzz off.
Because she's done this at least every week for a month now.
If not longer.
*shakes head*

Some people are so concerned about 'getting their worth' out of things.
Like it's a bug.
Those die.
Stop stressing us out over them.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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