Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tell Me All About It

Had a customer come into the store today looking to get some sort of filtration system for his 75 gallon tank, which it's pretty easy to guide customers to the filters and help them pick out one, but he proceeded to pull out his phone -because he'd been doing his own research- and showed me this electronic filter system he'd found online.
Which appeared to be super cool! I mean electronic filters that tell you when things that need to be replaced and make it super easy to keep the filters clean and such? 
It's awesome.

I'd never seen or heard of them before.

And the customer was expecting me to give my opinion on them and tell me about them and how to set them up....

And like...dude I don't know.
I hadn't known it existed before that moment.
I don't sell it in the store.
I didn't osmosis the information needed by staring at the screen of your phone. 

*shakes head*

I did my best to tell him about the filters we DID carry.
But he wasn't sold on them.
and left to go check out other ones elsewhere. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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