Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Number?

A customer came into the store wanting 25 large crickets.
So I bagged up 25 for her.
Handed her the bag.
And went back to doing my thing.
But noticed after a bit that she was standing a bit away from the registers staring hard at the bag and shaking it back and forth.

Which...you shouldn't shake crickets back and forth like...you're stressing them out?
So I approached her to make sure everything was alright.

She didn't believe that I had put 25 crickets in there.

Which halfway makes sense because quantities never look like the amount you think they should. 
I've gotten similar reactions when fishing out goldfish.
The number doesn't look like the number it is.

Most customers don't make me recount the crickets.

She insisted.

So I went ahead and opened up the bag, and pulled out the cardboard so I could see the crickets in their entirety.

And while I was unbagging them, she was like "How do you count them anyways?"

Every coworker has their method.
For me?
"I count by 3s" I told her.

You know 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 etc. 

I know it's weird lol. Most people don't count like that but I do find it easy.

She thought I was crazy.

In any case.
I demonstrated it out loud for her.
And showed her that she actually had 27 crickets in there instead of the 25 she wanted.

-As above 24 I usually add in an extra or three to account for possible ones dying.

*shakes head*
She was mollified thankfully. 
So I rebagged the crickets and she went on her merry way.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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