Monday, September 2, 2019

Getting to Water

Not sure what it was about today.
But it seemed like everyone was obsessed with the Guinea Pigs today.

And not in the "We want to hold one!" sort of obsession that is pretty common in the store.

No everyone seemed to be concerned about the guinea pigs health.

Specifically their ability to access their water bottle.

As today I had introduced new Guinea Pigs into the cage with the older ones.

Which always means a bit of dominating happening. Establishing who the head male would be and such.

Had one customer express concern over one guinea pig being too aggressive, so we ended up taking that one out and placing him by himself in his own cage to help keep the peace.

But in the course of the guinea pigs getting to know each other.
One of their houses ended up getting too close to the water bottle. 
Making it a bit more difficult to access water, though they could still access the water.

We ended up getting called to the guinea pigs at least three times by three different customers who were worried about access to the water, because the guinea pigs had moved their house back closer to the water multiple times.

Especially since hadn't been an issue before.
But for whatever reason today.
It was an issue today.

Thankfully we were able to get the water accessible easily enough so no issue there. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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