Saturday, September 21, 2019


So I had a mother and daughter come into the store looking to adopt a kitty as the mother wanted to get one.
Which meant holding a few of the kittens we had in the adoption center. 
And the little girl was excited about the concept of cats....but was really hesitant to hold the kitty or have it near her.
Which is understandable if you haven't really been around cats as they do have claws and such.

And the Mother had almost decided to get one of the kittens.
When the child said something like "No I'm allergic!"

Which shocked the mom because...."You are?" 

But she then noticed that her daughter was sniffling...when she hadn't been before.

So I suggested that the child touch the cat a little more --she ended up putting her face in the cat's fur--and then having the mother wait and see if there was a reaction at all as allergies usually show up within fifteen to thirty minutes if you've touched a cat and then touched your eyes. 

So the mother decided to go to the store next door, but requested that we put the kitten on hold, which I could do for three hours, while she waited to see how her daughter reacted. 

....I never saw them again.

The Mother had had a cart full of cat supplies ready to purchase and everything that she left by the adoption center. 

....and yet never came back....the three hour window came and went....

:S I can only guess that she decided against it, or wanted to further test if the child was allergic, or wanted to look elsewhere first.... *exhales* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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