Monday, September 9, 2019


I had a customer call the store today.
Asking if we sold Feeder Rats.

Which we don't. 
We don't sell any live rodents for food.

So the customer was like: Do you sell Pet Rats?

Which, no, not anymore. 
Our breeder stopped breeding rats like...four years ago now? 
So nope. No rats.
Which even if we did....I wouldn't sell them to this gentleman because he'd specifically asked for feeder rats.
Which is an alarm bell because again, we don't sell rats as food.

The customer wouldn't be dissuaded though.
Upon finding out that we didn't have rats.
He was like "Well, what's the largest rodent you carry?"

Which would be a chinchilla or guinea pig.

But I was like "I don't sell animals for food."

*rolls eyes* 
He was like "But I'm using them for bait! Not to feed!"

….What in the world do you think Bait is dude?
Bait is a food that is to tempt an animal closer and more than likely gets KILLED if it's alive when the animal you want to trap comes closer.

So I refused.
I was like "No we don't sell animals for food or bait."
And directed him to a couple of local petstores to try out instead. 
Hopefully he found what he was looking for...just not at my store.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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