Saturday, September 28, 2019


Had a customer come into the store today, looking for me specifically. 
Saying that a different coworker had told him to come talk to me.

He was dressed in Sunday Clothes. Nice pants, white shirt, tie. 

And he came.
To apologize. 


Apparently he had come in with a date last weekend.
And had plans to buy some goldfish and then was going to go release them in the wild.

....Apparently that's romantic. 

But he'd been told that that wasn't good.

And it's not. Releasing goldfish into the wild is not a good thing. The fish can ruin ecosystems they can overtake and out eat the natural fish in the waters. 
Overall. Not. Good.

And he'd been told that. To not release them.

And so he lied.

Stating that he told my coworker that he was going to put them in a tank in order to get the fish.

They didn't put them in the tank.

No he and the date took the goldfish up the canyon to the local waterfall and released them.

Not sure how quickly those poor fish died.
But the customer was empathetic when I asked for clarification, that they were dead.

So he basically took those fish up to the waterfall to kill them. 

Some romantic date. *shakes head*

In any case.
This customer, who was probably in his late teens, early twenties.
Wanted to apologize.

He apparently felt bad. Guilty that he hadn't listened to my coworkers and had killed those fish and lied to us. 

And he wanted to know what he could do as recompense. 

Like what could I say to that?

Honestly, it was just kinda like the "well go catch the goldfish and bring them back" sort of thought process.
Only the fish were dead. 

So i mostly was like "Well...don't do it again, learn about animals before buying them, don't release animals into the wild, and be sure that you're going to take care of them and don't let animals suffer needlessly" 

*shakes head*

So yah. The dude apologized. Said that we were doing an upstanding job here. And then left. 

It was just...weird.

Like why did you feel the need to come apologize?

It was weird.
Especially to me. 
Why come apologize to me specifically. 

Almost I felt like it was the set up for a joke or something.

I didn't really feel like the dude was sincere. Doing it for the attention. Not much more. 

Especially because I had this sense of dejavu because like...I feel like I had had someone come in somewhat recently...but like maybe a year or two ago recently, and do a similar thing.

Come in to apologize for lying to us over something or another.

So it was weird.

Just weird. 

I don't know why the dude did it. 
But hopefully his conscience feels better. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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