Monday, September 16, 2019

Complicated Crickets

I had a customer come up to me while I was checking out other customers at the register and ask if I could get them a bag of 24 large crickets.

Which yah, I can easily.
Though it would have been much faster if they'd gone over to the podium and grabbed the bag of 24 large crickets I had bagged earlier in the day.

Figuring that the customer just hadn't realized that the number they needed was right there, I grabbed the bag of 24 and went to hand it to them.

When they were like "Actually...I'd like them in two bags of 12 please."

I was automatically suspicious at that.
Because if you said you wanted 24 crickets....why did you not tell me sooner that you wanted 2 bags of 12? 

I already had one bag of 12 prebagged so I was like "Will this one work?'

Customer wanted both bags of 12 freshly bagged without cardboard in them.

*shakes head* 

Like....I can do that.
But the way you had me do that....definitely got on my nerves.
Like why?
Why string me along like that.
Just be clear and succinct the first time. Say "I need two bags of 12 crickets without cardboard." 
Easy peasy and I can do it without feeling like I'm pulling teeth.

Honestly though.
I just think the customer didn't want the prebagged crickets.
Which they could have just said so in the first place. 

*shakes head* Silly customer. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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