Wednesday, September 11, 2019


The Lizard Guy came back in to the store today.
I know that more than likely he's going to be a consistent regular customer.
But still.
Everytime I see him....I just wish I wasn't working.
Because the dude is a trial to deal with basically every. single. time. 
Such a Chaotic Energy and you never quite know how the conversation is going to go or when it will ever end.

I had the unfortunate experience of being noticed by him just as I was heading to clock out as my shift was over.
But since I was still technically on the clock as I hadn't clocked out yet, when he flagged me down I couldn't just ignore him. *exhales*
Which is a trial because it could be a two minute question or a thirty minute question and with my luck it was going to be the thirty minute question as that is what most of his questions are it feels like.

And I was right.
The dude starts going on about how the lighbulbs keep exploding in one particular heat lamp that he purchased from us.

Which I was aware of because a manager had told me of the two weeks ago I feel like. It had been a while, long enough that I was surprised he was only NOW bringing in the light bulbs as my manager apparently...wasn't going to replace any of them until we could see the heat lamp?

I honestly don't know why he had the lightbulbs with him -only that the manager requested it- nor what he wanted out of the situation. 
It could be that he wanted a new lamp.
Or new lightbubls.

I don't know.
I never actually heard what he wanted.

As he went into the pointless explanation as to why he was right and we were wrong.

As he said the lightbulbs kept exploding right?
So I checked the lamp he'd brought in and noticed that it sad MAX 75 WATTS in big lettering.

And the bulbs the dude was holding up that had 'exploded' after coming in 'contact' with 'water' 'somehow' were all showing as 100watts. 

There's the problem right there.

But Nooooo that CAN'T be the problem. *rolls eyes*

As apparently the customer has done overwattage to multiple different lamps but this is the only brand and the only lamp that is having issues.
And it shouldn't matter that he's putting a 100watts into a max 75 watt lamp because 25watts shouldn't make that much of a difference and it says that it 'decreases the risk of fire' but because the dude works for some place that apparently makes lightbulbs he knows that all lightbulbs have to meet certain requirements to be sold and used which means that all lightbulbs can be used in any size of lamp and it should be fine because otherwise tons of customers would be suing the makers of lightbulbs for not being consistent  yadda yadda ---i honestly stopped listening halfway through because I'm like "And how does this apply?" But the dude was insistent, even pulled out his phone at some point to show me the comparisions between voltages or something in all lightbulbs. And he showed me tiny writing on the lamp that says that more watts can be used if they don't exceed so many voltages...

But still. 
If you put in 100 watts into a lamp that says Max 75 watts. and the 100 watts keep exploding....why not try a 75 watt or even a 50 watt bulb and see if it's the bulbs or the lamp that's the issue.
Because if the 75 watt bulb doesn't explode. Tada! It's the wattage that's the issue. If the lower wattage lighbulb also explodes, then obviously that lamp has a manufacturing issue. 

*shakes head*

But again. I don't know what the customer was seeking.
Was he seeking to replace the lightbulbs? The lamps?
No idea.
Because for a good ten freaking minutes he was trying to convince me that it was okay to put higher wattage bulbs into lamps that state otherwise all the while describing his various tank set ups and other issues he's had with various products of ours in the past....which really.
You've complained about more things breaking than anyone else in like a six month period. 
Obviously it's more of a YOU problem than an US problem. *shakes head*

Thankfully, my coworker saw that I was stuck with this customer and grabbed the managers to come intervene and help the dude out (and hopefully get to the point of what he actually wanted from us) which left me free to finally go clock out nearly 15 minutes late. *exhales* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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