Monday, August 31, 2020

Mice Mice Mice Mice

So a few days ago I had a customer come into the store and decide that they wanted to get two of our mice.

Which usually I try discourage customers from buying our mice as they tend to be one of the more smelly creatures we sell.
And if our mice get returned, more often than not the main reason is because they stink. 
And they do.
At least their urine does.
Especially if the mice decide that they want to mark up their cage.

So I tried to talk the customer out of buying them.
But they were adamant that having the mice would be fine and that their three boys would love them.

So I went ahead and filled out the paperwork, and went to grab the two mice.
Only for the customer to notice that we had a third mouse in the cage.
And they thought it was only fitting to have 3 boy mice for their 3 boy children. 

I was less than enthusiastic but yah it made sense to have one mouse for each kid.

And I totally expected the customer to come back wanting to return the mice within the week.

So I wasn't totally surprised to see the customer again in the store today.

They weren't here to return the mice.
No, they wanted to get a fourth mouse.
Because they also have a daughter who decided that she also wanted a mouse of her own.

So the customer had come into the store again to get that fourth mouse for her.

Which meant it's own little trickiness because introducing mice from different cages...doesn't always end well.

So I gave the customer some tips on how to try and introduce the mouse in with the others so that they don't end up fighting.

And sent the customer on their way.

Hopefully things go well with all four mice in the home....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Wrong Food

While opening our back rooms today I discovered that our Guinea Pigs had ended up receiving hamster food at some point.

Which is kinda amusing because I don't know if I've ever seen that before.

And my automatic assumption is that one of my new closers for the department had placed the hamster food in the bowl without realizing that they needed to put in guinea pig food.

But at the same time, it's totally possible that I could have been the one to do such a thing when I had opened yesterday morning.
As I'm not sure how much my closers pay attention to feeding the animals at night.

And if I get distracted at the wrong moment I find myself doing the wrong thing.
So it's possible that I got distracted and placed the hamster food in the guinea pig cage instead of the guinea pig food.

Though it doesn't quite seem like something I would do as usually I need to take the guinea pig bowl out to scoop in their food.

It was amusing to find the wrong food in the cage this morning.

At least it was an easy enough fix.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, August 28, 2020

All the Crickets

We got in a mountain of crickets today.

Okay it wasn't a 'mountain'
But we got in far more crickets today than we usually do.
Which was really nice actually, as we've been going through a cricket shortage.

So to actually get in a ton of crickets that will probably last us the weekend instead of running out after a day is really really gratifiying.

Though in typical fashion.
The shipments of crickets were shorted.
Like they have been for the past two years or so.

As I was supposed to get in around 5,000 large crickets and 5,500 small crickets.

But only got in around 2,000 large crickets and 2,700 small crickets.

Sooo not the best of shipments.
But having over 2,000 crickets available to sell to customers compared to the paltry 400-500 we'd been receiving the past couple of weeks was really nice.

Hopefully they'll last us until our next shipment comes in.
But we'll see.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, August 27, 2020


Had a customer come into the store today wanting crickets.
Which lucky him, he came in just as our bug shipment came in, so he could get the large crickets that he wanted to get instead of the smalls that I had had available until that point. 

He looked familiar but I didn't place him as anyone in particular.
Until he apologized for how he had acted the last time he'd come into the store.

Which it took a bit more conversation to place him.
But this was the customer who had tried to bag his own crickets and got upset at me that there was 'no sign' saying that he couldn't bag his own crickets. That this wasn't a 'self serve' station.

Honestly, I probably wouldn't have connected him with the past event unless he brought it up.

But I'm glad that he took the time to apologize for his behavior.
Because it definitely made the interaction this time around easier. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

No Medium Ever

It's funny in a way.
How many customers are shocked that we don't carry 'medium' crickets.
Because like...we've never carried medium crickets.
For the past 8 years we've never carried medium crickets.

It's always large or small.
Never medium.

And yet without fail.
If I ask a customer if they want large or small
They respond with medium.
*shakes head*
I should just give them the large crickets because most of the time that's the size of cricket that they want.

But yah...I got that again today.
A customer wanting medium crickets.
And acting surprised that I didn't have any.
"When are you gonna get more?"

It's small OR large.
There's no medium available.
*shakes head*
Silly silly customer. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, August 24, 2020

Counting Quarters

I had a couple of customers come into the store today looking to get a fish for their bowl.
So I directed them towards the betta fish as they do the best in such a small space.
And after talking over what is needed for the bettas, I left the customers to fend for themselves.
Only to come across them a little bit later.
With one of the customer's sitting on the floor in front of our betta endcap.
With a pile a change on the floor.
As they were counting out just how much money they had on them.
So that they could see if they had enough money to buy the particular betta that they wanted.

-Apparently they still had to put like $1.25 on a card when they came up to buy it from what my cashier tells me--

And's cool that they're trying to make sure they had enough money to get their fish.

But there are a ton of better places to count out change than on the floor of our store.
Like...sitting on the floor isn't the best of places in a pet store where dogs have been wandering around and tons of people have been walking.

*shakes head*

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Do You Have?

Gotta love it when people expect us to have more product in the back when they can't find what they want on the shelves.
Which I suppose it's a good assumption to have.
As it's well known that stores have receiving areas where extra product is stored.
So I can understand why people ask if we have any more of an 'item' when they can't find it.

But unfortunately for them. With the pandemic going on.
It's not quite the case.
As there have been breakdowns in the supply chain.
So we aren't getting in certain products in at all. Or the ones we are getting in are in very limited quantity to the point where we can put all of said product out on the floor right away.

And it doesn't really help at all that customers are wanting to buy a lot more than usual.
With the addition of the nearby colleges/universities starting up school again, there's been an influx of students wanting to buy a pet to keep while they're here.

Which since most apartments don't allow pets of the furry variety.
It means a ton of people have come into the store wanting to buy a pet fish.

Which means.
We're running super low on our small fish tanks currently.
Like entire shelves are empty.
Which is only something I really see occur occasionally around Christmas.
But with our next truck not expected until Wednesday...

I can only imagine our fish tank shelves getting emptier.
And I'll have more people asking if we have more tanks in the back.

So yah....
Gonna be fun dealing with the next round of having to say 'we're out' with customers.
As I'm already telling that about bird cages as we have none.
And with a nationwide circket shortage happening I have to tell people we're out of crickets.
So now I get to add small fish tanks to the list of 'we don't have more in the back'

*shakes head*
So crazy.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, August 20, 2020


I had a customer come into the store today wanting some large crickets.
And while I had gotten some in on Tuesday.
By the end of Wednesday...I was completely out of them again.
And unfortunately for the customer he'd come in a tad too early for my expected shipment of Thursday crickets where hopefully I would be getting in some large crickets.
As my shipment yesterday had only contained smalls. *shakes head* 

But the customer couldn't exactly come back later.
So he requested I give him 30 smalls since we were out of large.
Which I did.


Just as he reached the counter to check out.
Our delivery guy came in with our bug shipment.
A shipment which, when I checked, did have Large Crickets in the boxes woot!
(Though they shorted me 63 containers of Mealworms. >_< booo ) 

But the customer happened to notice.
And so requested if we had large, to get the 30 large crickets he'd originally come in to get.

Which took a little bit of time as I had to reach the level the crickets were on and open the box and dump the box into the bin so I could actually get the crickets he needed.

But hey!
He got the crickets so woot! 

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

All the Same, Yet Different

I had the weirdest coincidence happen at work today.

So there I was picking our online orders that had come in so that we could send notice to customers that they could come get the stuff they'd ordered online.

And I opened the first order to see that someone wanted a bag of Canidae Dog Food. 
They wanted the small bag. In Salmon flavored.

Easy enough. I grab the order, print out the order slip and take it up front to place in the holding area and move onto the next order....

Which was a bag of Canidae Dog Food. 
Small bag.
For a second I had to wonder if our Ipad had glitched and showed me an order I had already picked.
But no.
It was a different bag. 
This customer wanted a Beef flavored bag of dog food.

I had a THIRD order.
For a single small bag of Canidae dog food. Turkey flavored.

And you know what my fourth order I picked was?
A single small bag of Canidae dog food. Chicken flavored.

What are the odds?!
To have 4 different people at the same time decide to order the same brand of dog food and pick completely different flavors?
Like sure it would make more sense if everyone picked chicken or something.
It's just crazy that they all decided on a different flavor of dog food even when it was in the same brand all independently of each other.

it's a crazy coincidence. 
And i had to wonder if some group had met up and decided to order food all at once.

Not so much.
We did later discover that there's an online coupon for a free bag of Canidae dog food if you order it for online pick up --as a way to convince customers to do online pick up orders instead of coming into the store. 

But still. 
It's crazy that the managed to pick four different flavors. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Out of Stock

Customers have the weirdest expectations.
Like...I don't know how many times I've been helping or working nearby and a customer presses the button on our cricket podium requesting assistance...and I'm like...right there.

Like I get that there are some individuals who just want to be helped as quickly as possible and so expect there to be more workers waiting in the shadows to come help them...when in reality it's just me available on the floor.
Or like....there are customers who 'don't want to bother me' when they see me doing a task and so press the button to request someone else to help was right there....and's not like we have multiple people waiting in the shadows to come out and help. If I do have other employees with me, they're usually busy doing other tasks as well. And calling for them to come assist only means that you're interrupting their task...
Like...I don't get the logic of it.

But was *shakes head*

We're out of crickets.
We've posted signs saying that we're out of crickets.
On both sides of the cricket podium and on the button itself so that people won't call us over requesting crickets when we don't have them.

Customers can't read.
Or observe.

As I was literally on a ladder right next to the cricket podium. Like a foot away from the cricket podium, scrubbing tanks.

And this customer comes into the store....and is totally oblivious to everything.
Because she comes right in and presses the button.

And I'm just like "...I'm right here."
"Oh perfect!" she says...and I don't know if she realized I was actually there on the ladder or not or if she was just so oblivious to everything but her phone that she didn't realize i was there.
But her next words were "I need 20 Large Crickets."

And I just had to like...shake my head?
Because how oblivious can you be to NOT READ the sign RIGHT BELOW the button saying CRICKETS OUT OF STOCK?

Apparently completely oblivious.
Or she just can't read.
Or like....apparently as other workers have told me...people just don't believe the signs are true and will go ask other associates around the store to make sure we're actually out of crickets.

But she was totally like ?!!?! WHAT?!?!!? when I told her we were out of crickets.

Like lady...the sign is right there?
*shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, August 17, 2020

Off to the Vet

I made the rare trip to the vet today.
As the managers were busy and couldn't leave, and we needed to get a parakeet to the vet to be looked at. 
I was the best option to get the bird there in a timely manner. 

As the parakeet has been acting weird the past couple of days.
Well...since it came into the store really.
As it won't use it's right leg, and doesn't really stand upright.

But we weren't sure what all it was.
And because it was the weekend...we couldn't take it to the vet as the hours differ. 

Off to the vet today I went. :D 
Woo field trip!

Lol it was rather nice to get out of the store for a bit and basically 'go run an errand.' 

I was rather sad they didn't ask me to go get the bird when the vet was done examining it. 

From what the vet can that the parakeet is suffering from a spinal injury of some sort. 
So they've given us some anti-inflammatory meds to see if getting some of the inflammation down would help the bird to recover.
So we'll see what happens in a week.

I hope the bird recovers.
We'll see. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, August 14, 2020

All These Fish

So for once we actually had our fish shipment show up 'on time'
Aka show up in the morning rather than sometime in the random afternoon.
Which was great news because otherwise I would have been banging my head against the wall for four hours waiting to either help customers or wandering the store looking for something to do to pass the time.

I was working on unboxing the last level of boxes holding the fish.
Placing the bags of them into their proper tanks on the fish wall so that they could get acclimated to the temperature of the water in the store.

When a customer, who'd been hovering at the fish wall looking at the fish asked me if someone was buying all the fish in the bags or if they were part of a fishshipment.

Which....considering that I had at least 50 bags of fish spread out along the fish wall...

I couldn't quite see why a customer would think that someone else was buying all the fish.
Because like...we don't leave fish in the bags in the tanks if customers want them.
We catch them, bag them up, and then hand said bag to the customer. 

There's no reason to put the bags in the tanks in the meantime.

And like if he'd been paying any attention at all, he would have seen me opening boxes and placing the fish bags in the boxes into the tanks. would be obvious, I would think, that I was putting out a new shipment of fish. *shakes head*

He also proceeded to ask "When do you get in your fish shipment?"

And I was like *gestures to everything* Right now? Today?

He hurriedly corrected himself wanting to know "how often" we get in fish shipments. Like if it was once a month or weekly or what. 

It's once a week. Every Friday. (so long as the truck plays nice and shows up on time.) 

I dunno if he was trying to decide how often fish came in...
Or like if he was trying to pick fish that hadn't just barely come into the store. 

Which it's obvious which ones have just come in because I hadn't finished putting out the fish bags.
And usually I wait until all the fish are out into the tanks before I release them into the tanks.

Though today I did make a couple of exceptions, unbagging a couple of fish earlier because I felt they were too crowded (2 giant oranda goldfish in one tiny bag) or like...there was a fish struggling to stay alive in a bag so I released it quicker into the fresh water in hopes it would help the fish live. (doesn't always work. but I try)

So if the customer was trying to get a fish that had been in the store longer....
He failed.
Because the cichlid he picked out as one he wanted was one that I had actually released early into the tank because the companion cichlid was on the verge of death and I was hoping to save it (I didn't) 
But yah. The other cichlid was doing quite well....hopefully it still does well in this guy's tank.

*shakes head*
In any case.
Still think it was funny that the guy thought one customer would want 50 some odd bags of fish. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, August 13, 2020


So we've out of superworms for the past week. 
Because they basically sold out within a day when we got them in last Thursday.
Which makes sense cus I only got in like...twelve.

Thankfully though.
I got in a few more today.
24 containers of 25ct Superworms.

Which probably will also vanish within the next couple of days if they haven't already all been sold by the end of today.

In any case.
I'm not sure how the conversation started.
But my manager ended up calling me over to the podium.
Where a customer was waiting.

The problem?
The customer need a ton of superworms.
From how it was explained they needed like...200-300 superworms?

Which is alot.
Especially when I have a limited supply of them.
As each container only has like 25 in it.
So 4 containers would be 100.
8 would be 200
12 would be 300.

And considering that I've had people constantly asking me throughout the week if we had any in stock.
I was loathe to give like half of my supply at least to this customer.
Who apparently needed all the worms for a....biology?? class taught at the nearby university.

Thankfully the customer was understanding of the situation.
And was like "I'll take as many as you can give me."
Because they were aware that if there's a shortage going on that it's a pretty dick move to take all of our superworms. 
Especially when we had a large cricket shortage happening at the same time. (I didn't get in any today and we've been out of them since like Monday) which means that more people will be looking to get various types of worms to supplement until they can get more crickets.

I ended up allowing them to take six containers. 
Which was like...1/4 of our supply.
But at least it still left us with around 18 containers (though some had already sold earlier) to hand out to customers.

Though again....I doubt they'll last long.
If I still have some tomorrow I'll be surprised. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A Surprise Visit?

My store kinda went into 'panic' mode today.

As we got word that our regional manager was in town and doing surprises visits to the stores in our state. 

And that they had just left our sister store in the same valley as us.

So the managers were like "GO GO GO GO!!" 
As in "Face the department."
"Make sure everything is up to standards."
"Make sure all the cages are properly set up"
And "Make sure that you know the new directive that they've released and what each letter of the acronym stands for because you WILL BE QUIZZED." 

And like....we did all this fast preparation.
Making sure the store looked nice.

And Four Hours Later.
Our RM still hadn't shown up.

Which considering that our store is only like...maybe 20 minutes at most away from the sister store the RM had just left....
Made it more apparent that it was unlikely that our store would be visited today.
Though perhaps they showed up after I left....who knows....

Still I wouldn't be surprised if the RM forwent visiting us this time around mostly on the grounds that our Head Manager is currently out of town.
And it's kinda expected that if the RM visits that the Head Manager is present for feedback and such. 

But I also wouldn't be surprised if the RM walks into our store first thing tomorrow morning.
Guess we'll see.

But yah that was a 'fun' time at work trying to make sure everything looked good while also trying to accomplish all the usual opening tasks. *shakes head* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Had a father/daughter duo come into the store today because the daughter was looking to get some goldfish...and possibly a new tank? for said fish.

Which is a simple enough theory.
As it's easy to explain the size of the tank and what's required and such.

But the customers proceeded to make it quite the ordeal because they wanted to know if certain fish could go in with goldfish and if certain size tanks would do well with certain fish and what stuff they would need to clean the tank and then questions again on the tanks and they were being rather indecisive on just which tank and what size they wanted and what fish they wanted. So I ended up having to basically repeat the same information just on different tanks and fish like twelve times.

They probably spent a good hour or so in the store just trying to decide what they wanted to buy and get and set up.

In the end, from what I saw...the daughter ended up only buying a single goldfish.
So hopefully that means they have a tank at home to put him in.

But yah.
It was quite the endeavor to keep checking in on them and reexplaining things and trying to help them narrow it down but it's hard to narrow down choices when they're not sure if they're wanting goldfish or tetras or platys or glofish. 

I'm glad they finally made a choice in the end. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, August 10, 2020


I had a customer come into the store wanting to get replacement filter cartridges for his filter.
But he was wondering if he should switch to a different filter because he'd read an article somewhere that the brand of filter he currently had was experiencing shortages due to the pandemic so they could only produce a certain amount of filter cartridges at a time and some of them were being discontinued.

And like....yes.
That was an issue with us like...two months ago.
But overall we've been able to keep filter cartridges of basically every brand in stock for the past little while.
I mean we do sell out of them.
The shelves do empty out.
But at the same time, we are getting a consistent supply of them that if anything only one or two trucks go by before we get them back in stock again.

Plus I was rather doubtful that we wouldn't be carrying that particular type of filter cartridge that the customer had anymore....because's our store brand. It would be silly to discontinue our store brand filters. *shakes head*

But I had to spend a good fifteen minutes or so talking the customer through other potential options and other cartridges that could work with the filter he had if we were out of the brand cartridges he needed.

It was just so weird how intense he was about it.
Because it hasn't been an issue for us for a couple of months now.
Yet he was acting like it was the end of the world and he wasn't sure if he'd be able to continue buying the cartridges he needed from us.

*shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, August 8, 2020


 It's always amusing--and sometimes really irritating--how customers grossly misjudge the size of their tanks.

Like they always overestimate the size of them. Thinking that they're 'huge' when they're not.

I had a customer do that today.

Telling me that they had a 'nice big tank' with 'plenty of space' for their fish.

But hearing that they had like a betta fish, I knew that 'huge' probably wasn't actually huge.

So I did a bit of digging, asking exactly how many gallons their tank was.

And they were like oh...I think it's like 2 or 3 gallons? (after checking his phone he said it was a 5 gallon but who knows)

And I'm like....dude.

That's not a big tank.

That's not plenty of space.

That tank is tiny. 

A nice big tank would be anything over 36 gallons.

*shakes head*


I did my best to help them find some fish that would work with the betta in the 5 gallon tank. 

Hopefully the ones the customer chose do well.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, August 6, 2020

New Fish Owners

 I had a couple of guys come into the store last night.

Looking to get a new tank for their betta fish.

As they had bought a 3.5 gallon tank like the day before? Recently at least.

And they had decided that it was too small and that they wanted to give their betta a bigger tank, but also so that they could put more fish in the tank with him. 

So I spent a fair bit of time helping them out, going over pros and cons of various tanks.

But making sure to tell them that they needed to have the tank set up for at least 24 hours before putting in any other fish with their betta, just to ensure that it wouldn't stress out their tank right away.

*shakes head* lol I shouldn't have been surprised when they came in practically the first thing this morning to get their fish.

But I do admire their enthusiasm for their new tank and for their new fish.

It was kinda fun to talk to them to fan the flames of their new hobby.

I can only hope that the fish they pick do well with the betta and that they survive.

Guess we'll see. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Do You Work Here?

It always slightly boggles my mind when customers ask me if I work at my store.

Because like...I'm wearing a uniform shirt with my work's name on it.

I have a name tag on.

Like...compared to other stores, it should be pretty obvious that I work here. 

And yet, customers still ask me if I work here despite the clear signs I do.

Today was even more mindboggling.

Because like I was up on one of our fish ladders, my arm deep in the fish tank there as I was scrubbing the glass to get it free from algae and such.

And this customer came up to me and asked me if I worked here.


My hand is deep in the tank. I'm on a ladder. It's obvious I'm scrubbing things.

Why would I NOT be a worker here?

*shakes head* 

I mean...I can see why customers would want to double check before asking their question.

I've had my moments in other stores --like barnes and noble--where I wasn't sure if a person worked in the store or not and asked them.

But their uniforms are more...discrete than the bright blue shirt I wear at my job. 

And maybe the customer was thinking that perhaps I couldn't help if I was doing some other job?

Or that I was a maintenance person fixing the tank?? 

Who knows.

Still find it kinda funny that the customer had to ask though.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Can't Read This

 I got roasted for my handwriting today at work by a couple of my coworkers.

Which isn't that surprising.

As I'm well aware that my handwriting, especially when I'm in a hurry trying to write down things on our treatment logs in our sickroom, can come out like chicken scratch on occasion.

I do try my best to make it readable when I notice it's getting illegible. Going back and making sure that letters are more defined as such.

As I did have a manager like six years ago complain that my handwriting was hard to read.

It is difficult though.

When I try to keep my handwriting legible...and my coworkers still can't read it.

It's really irritating especially when they can't read the numbers I write on the fish bags.

Like I do try my best to make sure that the numbers are distinct.

That the ones and sevens don't look the same. That the fours and nines look different. 

And it was irritating today to have the cashier ask me what some of the numbers were on all three skus that I wrote on the bag they were handling.

Like 73725756882 and 73725732801 and 73724750899 shouldn't be that difficult to read.

But they were.

And I don't know if the marker I used just smeared from my hand (lefty woes) or if it was from the bag, or if the numbers just didn't look like the numbers I wanted them to be even though I do check the bags to make sure that they are legible when I do hand them over to customers....

I don't know why my coworker struggled today with it.

But I was like "I promise my handwriting isn't actually that bad."

And it's just...disheartening to have two of my coworkers go " kinda is." 


I mean, one of them tried to soften the blow by telling me that it's not a bad thing my handwriting is hard to read sometimes. After all they heard that people with...idk the phrasing...smarter minds? Minds that work faster? tend to have sloppier handwriting.

Mostly because we're thinking so fast our hand struggles to keep up with writing what our minds are thinking.

But it's just...hard.

To be told that you can't read the NUMBERS written on a bag.


And now I'm self conscious about it.

Self conscious about writing down anything.

And it makes me twitch everytime a cashier has to go "hey I can't read this sku you wrote can you tell me what the last four numbers are?" 

Like I'm aware it happens to other coworkers.

But it really does feel like it happens to me the most.

And it's frustrating.

Frustrating even more so when I do my best to make it legible and they still come at me not being able to read the sku.


so yah.

That's gonna be something on my mind for the next week or so. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, August 3, 2020

Willful Rejection

You gets annoying when customers willfully ignore your advice. 
Like, I'm kinda used to it when customers do it with fish.
As the common sense of "hey maybe my pet needs a better home" is overridden by the "I must have a pet now as cheaply as possible" and proceed to indicate that they want to buy a goldfish for a bowl when I've told them that that doesn't work out well for the goldfish.

It's just irritating.
How people ignore things.

Like I said, I'm rather used to it with the fish.
I don't usually encounter it when it comes to guinea pigs though.

But today, I had a customer ask our cashier what size of ball they would need for their guinea pig.
Aka one of those hamster balls except made on a larger scale.
The larger balls usually used for chinchillas and rats.

But not for Guinea Pigs.
Because the guinea pig's spines can't endure the stress of having their backs curved in such a fashion when they're put into a ball.
I've been told it can break their spine if enough stress is put on it.

So we highly discourage customers from buying balls for their guinea pigs.
It's not a thing meant for them.

And I told the customer this.
Told her that it wouldn't be good for the guinea pig.
And offered to put the ball back for her so she wouldn't have to.

But no.
She was like "I'm gonna buy it anyways." 

Just like.

Lady. I just told you this was NOT GOOD for your PET.
And she decided to buy it anyways. 

It's just like....I don't like that helpless feeling of trying to provide good things for a pet to only be ignored.

It's just like....I hope you realize what you've done when there ends up being an issue with the guinea pig. 
Because there probably will be sometime in the future. 

-Sarnic Dirchi