Monday, August 10, 2020


I had a customer come into the store wanting to get replacement filter cartridges for his filter.
But he was wondering if he should switch to a different filter because he'd read an article somewhere that the brand of filter he currently had was experiencing shortages due to the pandemic so they could only produce a certain amount of filter cartridges at a time and some of them were being discontinued.

And like....yes.
That was an issue with us like...two months ago.
But overall we've been able to keep filter cartridges of basically every brand in stock for the past little while.
I mean we do sell out of them.
The shelves do empty out.
But at the same time, we are getting a consistent supply of them that if anything only one or two trucks go by before we get them back in stock again.

Plus I was rather doubtful that we wouldn't be carrying that particular type of filter cartridge that the customer had anymore....because's our store brand. It would be silly to discontinue our store brand filters. *shakes head*

But I had to spend a good fifteen minutes or so talking the customer through other potential options and other cartridges that could work with the filter he had if we were out of the brand cartridges he needed.

It was just so weird how intense he was about it.
Because it hasn't been an issue for us for a couple of months now.
Yet he was acting like it was the end of the world and he wasn't sure if he'd be able to continue buying the cartridges he needed from us.

*shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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