Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Out of Stock

Customers have the weirdest expectations.
Like...I don't know how many times I've been helping or working nearby and a customer presses the button on our cricket podium requesting assistance...and I'm like...right there.

Like I get that there are some individuals who just want to be helped as quickly as possible and so expect there to be more workers waiting in the shadows to come help them...when in reality it's just me available on the floor.
Or like....there are customers who 'don't want to bother me' when they see me doing a task and so press the button to request someone else to help them....like...I was right there....and again...it's not like we have multiple people waiting in the shadows to come out and help. If I do have other employees with me, they're usually busy doing other tasks as well. And calling for them to come assist only means that you're interrupting their task...
Like...I don't get the logic of it.

But today....today was *shakes head*

We're out of crickets.
We've posted signs saying that we're out of crickets.
On both sides of the cricket podium and on the button itself so that people won't call us over requesting crickets when we don't have them.

Customers can't read.
Or observe.

As I was literally on a ladder right next to the cricket podium. Like a foot away from the cricket podium, scrubbing tanks.

And this customer comes into the store....and is totally oblivious to everything.
Because she comes right in and presses the button.

And I'm just like "...I'm right here."
"Oh perfect!" she says...and I don't know if she realized I was actually there on the ladder or not or if she was just so oblivious to everything but her phone that she didn't realize i was there.
But her next words were "I need 20 Large Crickets."

And I just had to like...shake my head?
Because how oblivious can you be to NOT READ the sign RIGHT BELOW the button saying CRICKETS OUT OF STOCK?

Apparently completely oblivious.
Or she just can't read.
Or like....apparently as other workers have told me...people just don't believe the signs are true and will go ask other associates around the store to make sure we're actually out of crickets.

But she was totally like ?!!?! WHAT?!?!!? when I told her we were out of crickets.

Like lady...the sign is right there?
*shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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