Monday, August 3, 2020

Willful Rejection

You gets annoying when customers willfully ignore your advice. 
Like, I'm kinda used to it when customers do it with fish.
As the common sense of "hey maybe my pet needs a better home" is overridden by the "I must have a pet now as cheaply as possible" and proceed to indicate that they want to buy a goldfish for a bowl when I've told them that that doesn't work out well for the goldfish.

It's just irritating.
How people ignore things.

Like I said, I'm rather used to it with the fish.
I don't usually encounter it when it comes to guinea pigs though.

But today, I had a customer ask our cashier what size of ball they would need for their guinea pig.
Aka one of those hamster balls except made on a larger scale.
The larger balls usually used for chinchillas and rats.

But not for Guinea Pigs.
Because the guinea pig's spines can't endure the stress of having their backs curved in such a fashion when they're put into a ball.
I've been told it can break their spine if enough stress is put on it.

So we highly discourage customers from buying balls for their guinea pigs.
It's not a thing meant for them.

And I told the customer this.
Told her that it wouldn't be good for the guinea pig.
And offered to put the ball back for her so she wouldn't have to.

But no.
She was like "I'm gonna buy it anyways." 

Just like.

Lady. I just told you this was NOT GOOD for your PET.
And she decided to buy it anyways. 

It's just like....I don't like that helpless feeling of trying to provide good things for a pet to only be ignored.

It's just like....I hope you realize what you've done when there ends up being an issue with the guinea pig. 
Because there probably will be sometime in the future. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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