Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Can't Read This

 I got roasted for my handwriting today at work by a couple of my coworkers.

Which isn't that surprising.

As I'm well aware that my handwriting, especially when I'm in a hurry trying to write down things on our treatment logs in our sickroom, can come out like chicken scratch on occasion.

I do try my best to make it readable when I notice it's getting illegible. Going back and making sure that letters are more defined as such.

As I did have a manager like six years ago complain that my handwriting was hard to read.

It is difficult though.

When I try to keep my handwriting legible...and my coworkers still can't read it.

It's really irritating especially when they can't read the numbers I write on the fish bags.

Like I do try my best to make sure that the numbers are distinct.

That the ones and sevens don't look the same. That the fours and nines look different. 

And it was irritating today to have the cashier ask me what some of the numbers were on all three skus that I wrote on the bag they were handling.

Like 73725756882 and 73725732801 and 73724750899 shouldn't be that difficult to read.

But they were.

And I don't know if the marker I used just smeared from my hand (lefty woes) or if it was from the bag, or if the numbers just didn't look like the numbers I wanted them to be even though I do check the bags to make sure that they are legible when I do hand them over to customers....

I don't know why my coworker struggled today with it.

But I was like "I promise my handwriting isn't actually that bad."

And it's just...disheartening to have two of my coworkers go "well....actually....it kinda is." 


I mean, one of them tried to soften the blow by telling me that it's not a bad thing my handwriting is hard to read sometimes. After all they heard that people with...idk the phrasing...smarter minds? Minds that work faster? tend to have sloppier handwriting.

Mostly because we're thinking so fast our hand struggles to keep up with writing what our minds are thinking.

But it's just...hard.

To be told that you can't read the NUMBERS written on a bag.


And now I'm self conscious about it.

Self conscious about writing down anything.

And it makes me twitch everytime a cashier has to go "hey I can't read this sku you wrote can you tell me what the last four numbers are?" 

Like I'm aware it happens to other coworkers.

But it really does feel like it happens to me the most.

And it's frustrating.

Frustrating even more so when I do my best to make it legible and they still come at me not being able to read the sku.


so yah.

That's gonna be something on my mind for the next week or so. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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