Friday, September 25, 2020

Where's the Nutri-Berries?

I had a customer come into the store looking for some specific Lafeber Nutri-Berries to feed to her parakeet as apparently that's the only food that the bird will touch.

But the package she showed me wasn't the same as the packaging that we sold in the store. So it was either a newer version we haven't gotten in yet, an extremely old version we haven't carried in forever, or other stores carry the brand in different packaging.

In any case, I did recognize the brand and the name so I knew that we had the berries...I just wasn't sure if we had them for parakeets as most of the time people are looking to get them for their parrots and larger birds.

But upon going to our bird food section, I was able to find the product the customer was looking for.

Only she wasn't convinced that it was what she wanted.

As again, the packaging didn't look like the one she had in hand.

Even though I pointed out that this other packaging also indicated that it was for parakeets. 

The customer proceeded to look up to our overstock shelf and ask if the nutriberries she could see up there were more like the ones that she was wanting to buy.

She didn't believe me when I told her that the nutri-berries up there were in fact the exact same ones I'd shown her on the shelf below.

The packaging didn't 'look the same' because she could only see the top half of the packaging on the overstock as the bottom half was covered by the lip of the shelf that prevents product from falling to the floor below. 

*exhales*'s the exact same COLOR packaging. The birds shown at the top are the exact same birds shown at the top of the bag on the shelf too. 

But it took me taking the bag on the shelf and lifting it to the bag in the overstock for her to see that the packaging was exactly the same.

*shakes head*

In any case. I did what I could to help her and left her to her own devices to 'decide' what she wanted.

I noticed in the end she went with a different color packaging one that was purple instead of green for the nutri-berries, but at least she bought something from the brand. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Leave it at One

Had a customer come into the store today wanting to buy three more goldfish for their 'tank' (unknown how big this tank is) and while I was catching said goldfish for them, the customer was like "This is the 4th batch we've gotten! We have one original goldfish that lives, but every time we try to give him a friend the others end up dying." kinda sounds like the 'tank' is probably too small to hold four goldfish if all but one of them ends up dying. It sounds like the tank is only big enough to comfortably hold one goldfish.

But before I could ask further to see if I could help clarify the situation on why the other goldfish may keep dying,

The customer mentions that every time they buy fish it happens to be right before they go boating for the weekend.

Like the buy the fish the day before or just hours before they leave.

So they basically just dump the fish in their 'tank' and vanish for 4 days. sounds kinda stressful to the fish....especially if the customer isn't leaving them vacation feeders or anything like that. Or if they are actually in a bowl instead of a tank, then the water probably gets too toxic too quickly for all four to do well.

And the original goldfish is used to the quality of the water, while th other three are not.

So it's not surprising that the fish would die that way.

And so I was like "Maybe don't buy the fish right before your vacation next time?"

To which they were like "Yah, that's what my spouse told me too." 

But the customer was convinced that the original goldfish was actually just aggressive and killing the new fish whenever they would leave.

I doubt it.

More than likely it's water quality or the size of the tank or the amount of food being fed.

Because goldfish aren't usually aggressive to each other unless it's a male trying to breed with a female. 

Hopefully this batch of goldfish lasts longer...but I think the customer was heading on another boating vacation soooo....we'll see how that goes for the fish.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Three Guinea Pigs

Had a customer call the store today asking if her kids would be able to hold the guinea pigs. Because she knew at least one of her kids was allergic to dogs, but she wanted to see if any of them were allergic to Guinea Pigs as the kids were looking to get a pet and they wanted Guinea Pigs.

Now under normal circumstances it wouldn't have been an issue.

But with COVID we don't usually allow the handling of pets unless the customer is planning to purchase it today as you can't really keep the six foot distance if you're handing creatures to people. 

Though from what I heard from my manager, it sounded like if the kid wasn't allergic, then they would be buying a Guinea Pig.

So I okayed it.

And a while later the mother and her kids showed up to have them each hold a guinea pig so she could be sure none of her kids were allergic.

Which basically resulted in the kid holding the pet, petting it, and then touching the area around their eyes to see if they reacted to it...and then I told them to wander around for 10-15 minutes to see if there was any reaction as sometimes it takes a bit. 

The end result?

None of the kids had an allergic reaction while in the store. 

So they ended up getting THREE guinea pigs.

One for each kid.

I was sure to tell the customer that they have a 2 week guarantee with us.

So if it turns out the kid is allergic, they can bring the guinea pigs back. Like a trial period and such.

Hopefully it turns out well. 

We'll see.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Misread the Sale

One of the sales that customers can never read right is the Buy 2 get 1 50% off sales. (Or the Buy 2 get 1 Free but the 50% is more of a hassle) 

And that is because customers always assume it's buy one get one.

Doesn't matter if it says buy 2 get 1

They assume that it's only 2 products that they'd need to get in order to take advantage of the sale.


They need to get 3 products. 

So it's Buy 2 get the THIRD item half off (or free depending again on the sale) 

Really the marketing team should write that. Buy 2 get the Third one etc.

Pretty sure customers would still misread it though.

Maybe think it's buy 2 get 3 more free or something.

In any case.

We had 2 customers come into the store together, who both managed to misread that Buy 2 get 1 50% off sale wrong in two different ways.

The first customer assumed it was the typical "Buy 1 get 1 free sale." 

While the second customer simply only saw the sale as "Get one 50% off." Totally ignoring the "Buy 2 part"

Of course they didn't believe my cashier when they said that it was "Buy 2 get one 50% off." 

So they ended up having to go show the customers the sale and basically read it out to them, showing them the numbers. *shakes head*

Ah. Gotta love customers who can't read.

Really wish our marketing team that decides on the sales would stop with the stupid buy 2 get 1 sales. No one ever reads them right. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, September 21, 2020

You Have This Brand?

Had a customer come into the store looking for a specific brand of Dog food...though I couldn't tell if it was dog food...or dog treats.

With the fact that it came from like a box...I'm guessing the food was for treats even though the customer was talking like this was their pupper's main source of food. *shrugs*

Unfortunately, the brand of treat/food was one that I recognized as one we would no longer be carrying. Though I was aware we still had some product still on the shelf for the turned out to be canned food not boxed or bagged. 

A glance down our treat aisle also showed that the type of food the customer was looking for was not in stock.

Which was the customer needed more of the food, but couldn't remember where their spouse had gotten it.

So I pulled out my phone and googled the brand food.

Turns out Walmart was supposed to carry it.

So I directed the customer to the nearest supercenter.

Hopefully they were able to find their food.

But as Thanks for helping them figure out where their food could be, they gave me an elbow bump instead of you know...a high five. Lol. 

It was random, I haven't yet had the elbow bump done to me during the pandemic. So that was rather different. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, September 19, 2020

No Owner

We had a big pit bull run into the store today sans leash, collar or owner.

He was big and gorgeous. Obviously well taken care of.

But owner in sight. 

Thankfully we managed to catch him--he was super friendly--and get a temporarily leash on him while we looked around to see if anyone in the parking lot was missing their dog...but we didn't see anything obvious.

And without a collar with tags we couldn't exactly call the owner.

So we took him over to our vet to see if he had a microchip which good news he did! Bad wasn't registered in our vet's we still had no idea who the owner was.

We ended up placing the dog temporarily in one of the kennels in the vet's half of the store while the manager said he would call the shelter to come pick up the dog.

I don't know if he ever did.

But I did hear from the vet people that they did end up finding the owner, as they noticed a guy searching around the parking lot a little bit later, cursing and looking a bit frantic and asked him if he was missing his dog.

Which he was.

Apparently the dog was in the back of the pick up truck...the cab part?? and busted out of the back of it to come into the store searching for his owner. 

*shakes head*

I'm glad we were able to reunite them together.

But hopefully the dude learns to put a collar with id on his dog from here on out because otherwise there was a good chance he wouldn't have seen him again.

And it's very lucky the dog chose to run into the store as we're on the corner of a pretty busy street. :S :S It wouldn't have been good if the dog had run into the middle of that road. :S

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Messy Tank

 So my manager decided a while ago that having the turtle tank on our fish wall be part of the fish system itself wasn't a good idea. 

I'm not sure why.

Like...water is constantly flowing meaning that the tank doesn't get stagnant and the water stays cleaner.

My guess is that they were concerned with the treatments we put into the fish tanks to treat potential fish illnesses and such on a weekly basis.

But like...we usually turn off access to the turtle tanks when we do that. So that none of the chemicals go into those tanks when the rest of the fish wall is treated.

But the manager decided we needed to set up internal filters within the turtle tanks so they can be in their 'own water' or whatever.

Which sure, I get it.

But it makes more work for us.

As now we have to monitor the water levels and make sure to maintain the internal filters so they don't get clogged up and continue to provide clean water for the turtles.


The tank got filthy.

Like today when I came in I noticed that the water was super cloudy and that the few goldfish in the tank we'd placed in there to feed the turtles...were gasping at the surface for air.


For the months before we had the internal filters there wasn't this issue. Because the turtle tanks were part of the fish wall system and therefore fresh water constantly flows.

But no one else ever thinks to check the internal filters besides me. I don't even know if they know how to do so. 

Which means I have to monitor the situation and's frustrating. 

I may be checking in with our DM the next time they come in and ask them if it's okay to put the turtles back in the main fish system...or if we have to leave them with the internal maintaining them is a pain otherwise.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


I had an antimasker come into the store today.

A father who was toting around his young daughter (around a year old??) in his arms.

So, as per the policy, I approached him to tell him that masks are required to be worn in the store.

To which he responded with the usual fib of "I have a medical condition"

Which dude. If you reeeeaaaallllyyy had a 'medical condition' that prevented you from wearing a mask, then it would have to be a condition affecting your breathing, and if it affects your breathing then you don't really want to be out in public right now when there's this virus that effects your LUNGS and makes breathing MUCH HARDER.

*rolls eyes* 

Yah no, I highly doubt the dude had any actual condition.

In any case.

I was like "Well, then for your health and safety we do recommend that you use our curbside pick up as it's not safe--"

That was the general gist as while we are required to provide service to people who 'cannot wear a mask' that doesn't mean we have to let them wander around without a mask as it is a health hazard to both them and to other customers in the store with the pandemic.  

I don't even remember quite what the customer retorted with. But whatever he said I was like "Yes, but for your safety it is better to use our curbside pick up"

And he like whips out a mask from his pocket --like if you already have a mask available to wear obviously you've had to wear it before and obviously you've survived it--


YOU made the choice to come out into public. YOU made the choice to wear the mask knowing that you could 'pass out.' YOU made the choice to ignore our offer of curbside service in favor of wandering around the store. YOU are the one who is responsible for your own health and if wearing a mask is really that big of a deal to you then DO NOT go places that require them. IT'S YOUR choice dude. But we also have to look out for other customers in the store as well and people wandering around without masks are a safety hazard to those who are wearing masks. It's not safe for anyone health wise.

And like...all I told the customer was that masks are required and that for their health and safety we do provide curbside pick up for those who cannot wear masks.

It's not like I was saying we couldn't help him.

I was saying that we would have to help him in a different fashion than the expected normal route because of the lack of a's just irritating.

Like the dude had no issues wearing the mask once he put it on.

There was no loud breathing, no gasping for breath, no screaming that he couldn't breathe.

So pretty sure he's fine. 

He walked out of the store just fine--tearing off his mask as he did so- but he obviously did not pass out. 

It's just....irritating. How selfish people will be when all we're trying to do is look out for others and do our best to keep everyone healthy. 


I'm so tired of people.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

We Want A Guinea Pig

I had a customer come into the store today with her horde of children, potentially looking to get a new pet.

Originally the mother had told the kids that they were just there to 'look.'

But the kids immediately were like "We're getting another pet!"

As they had had a guinea pig...only it had died yesterday unexpectedly.

And apparently it traumatized the mother far more than the kids because they were all energetic about looking at new guinea pigs and had picked out the one they wanted before their mom had finished looking at the other animals we had in the store.

They'd even started gathering supplies and such to get another guinea pig.

Even telling me that they were ready to get their guinea pig.

Only, when I went to give the paperwork to the mother.

She was like "Oh, I'm not sure we're actually getting one today. We may get another animal instead. Like a leopard gecko!"


The kids were pretty set on a guinea pig though.

Only humoring the mom's attempts to get them more interested in the reptile.

She didn't want a pet that would 'die so quickly'

As they'd only had their guinea pig for like 9 months....which would have meant the guinea pig was just a year old...rather young for it to pass.

But under normal circumstances the guinea pigs live for like 5-7 years.

And leopard geckos can live like...ten years or so.

So it's not that much difference.

But I spent a good twenty minutes with the mom as she wiffled back and forth, showing her guinea pig things that could 'help' and what she would need if she wanted to get a leopard gecko instead.

I managed to break away for them to 'think on it.' and went on Lunch.

Which was a nice break because the kids were soooo excited that they were constantly talking over me and the mom as we were trying to have a conversation and the littlest one kept touching my leg to talk to me and gah.

Waaaay too much energy. Waaaay tooo much.

And so I was rather grateful when I got back from my lunch break to find that they'd left the store.

I figured they would be heading home to 'think it over' and 'decide what they really want' as their pet had just died yesterday. It wouldn't hurt them to spend some time grieving and such.

Didn't have that much luck though.

A couple of hours later, they came back into the store.

With the mother now saying "I wish we could get a cat, but I don't think they're quite ready for that one yet."

....Like you're never too young to have a cat.

But I couldn't really encourage them to go that direction because our cat adoptions are through the adoption groups only right now due to the pandemic. So if they wanted to get a cat, they wouldn't be getting it today because the adoption groups have to come in and do those.

Thankfully the mother decided to go with what the kids wanted the entire time, and got them their guinea pig.

Hopefully this one lives longer than the other one did. :S

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, September 14, 2020

Evil Bird

It's always the worst when a customer decides that they need help right when you're trying to go on break.

Especially when they end up being one of 'those' customers that needs help for longer than like two minutes.

Where they end up taking up fifteen minutes of your time.

And if you're unlucky end up taking up enough of your time that when you're finally done with said customer, there's four more that have shown up to take their place because the first customer took long enough that you didn't manage to avoid the next 'rush' so it takes even longer to go on your break than you'd originally planned.

In any case, it wasn't quite like that when I tried to go take a fifteen minute break with this particular customer.

No, the only thing 'difficult' about this customer is the fact that they wanted a parakeet.

Which parakeets are evil.

Soooo when you're tired and just want to go sit down for a few minutes and just chill....having to grab evil birdy isn't really ideal.

Especially because the bird decided to be one of those 'difficult' evil parakeets that are actually evil and latch onto my hand. Like got a tiny piece of my skin between its beak and it bit me hard. Super hard. Hard that the knee jerk reaction is to fling my hand back and forth really quick to get it to let go.

Which most of the time I can stamp down on that urge long enough to get the bird safely contained.

But today? Not so much. It HURT.

Hurt enough to draw blood the evil creature.

He let go pretty quickly so it was more of a quick downward motion, so the bird didn't actually hit anything. But GAH it was hard to resist the 'DESTROY IT!" urge to get the bird to stop biting me. 


Not the best thing to occur right before my break. *exhales*

But hey, the pet parent has their nice pretty evil birdy that they can take home and I'll hopefully never have to deal with it again.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Stand Back

One thing that I've become more aware of during this pandemic is how many people are like 'close talkers' where they have to be within a foot of you in order to be talking to you.

They're not comfortable with speaking from a distance.

They have to basically be right in your face.

Which with the pandemic going on...isn't the best of ideas.

Even if the customer is wearing a mask.

And it's frustrating that you can't just like...subtly back up a step.

No, like today I had this guy who had all these questions about his five gallon tank and what type of fish he wanted to get for the tank and the tank set up and such.

And like he was one of those people who had to be within a foot of me.

Like I would take a step back and he would take two steps forward sort of guy.

Which is annoying.

So annoying.

Because I much prefer being subtle in keeping my social distancing.

Backing up a step so I can keep further away.

And not having to tell the customer anything.

But no. Like turning to show the dude different products and trying to increase my distance he would walk with me. Be basically glued to my side.

And internally I'm just like "Dude get away from me."

But externally I didn't say anything.

Which really I should, but in the moment I was focused on trying to answer the guy's questions as quickly as possible so I could break away from him and move to a different part of the store.

But yah.

Note to self.

If I have a close talker politely ask them to stand back if they can't take the subtle hints that I have to keep my distance. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 10, 2020


Had a customer come into the store first thing this morning and walk to the back of the store.

Only for me to see them come back up to the front of the store, head on a swivel, obviously looking for something.

So I asked if they needed help finding anything.

To which they responded asking if we had any carts.

Like the carts that people push around the store and put things in carts.


It is kinda amazing how unobservant people can be.

As those carts are in the vestibule--the little area between the first set of sliding doors and the second set of sliding doors. 

So I directed the customer to where they could find said carts.

And then later helped them answer some questions about dogs and such.

But yah.

Gotta love pointing out the obvious first thing in the morning.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

$5 Worth

I had a customer come into the store today who wanted to get some crickets.

To which I responded that while I had small crickets, I was out of my large.

Typically...the customer then was like  "How big are your large crickets?"

....I don't know why customers can't hear certain words.

Like "Do you want Small OR Large?" and without fail the customer will say "Medium"

And apparently if I say "We're out of large crickets." Customers don't hear the fact that we're OUT of crickets aka we don't have that size. *shakes head*

So I had to repeat myself "I don't have any large crickets, I only have small."

Which is always a conundrum to customers. 

In any case the customer was like "I need $5 worth of small crickets" 

Which is another thing I hate when customers do. It's not like I know how many crickets certain amounts will cost. 

Usually people just tell me an amount of crickets not a dollar amount.

So I had to mentally calculate first thing in the morning how many crickets a customer could get for $5.

It's around 35.

So I bagged up that amount and gave it to the customer.

To which the customer was like "This is the amount for $5?! How much are the crickets?!" 

To which I had to explain that the smalls are 14 cents each unless you buy a certain amount and then the price goes down a penny. Over 36 would be 13, 51 would be 12, 76+ would be 11 cents each. 

And the customer was like "Then I want the 76!"

*exhales* Which 76 crickets isn't $5 it's more than that....and like if you wanted 76 why did you not say 76 crickets in the first place. *shakes head* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Going Home

So yesterday, I called a customer to come pick up their guinea pig.

As they'd returned it to us because the poor thing had some ringworm and needed to be treated that had formed during our guarantee process.

And the guinea pig had finally been deemed ready to be bought back by the pet parent as they still wanted it.

And when I called the customers, the wife answered the phone and was like "I'll have my husband come pick it up later, he'll be so excited!" was a holiday yesterday. 

And we closed early.

So I wasn't quite surprised to come in this morning to find the customer's guinea pig was still in our store.

I kinda figured they'd tried to come after we closed, or got too busy to drop by today.

Turns out though, when the husband showed up later in the day (not wearing a mask *exhales*) that it wasn't quite either reason as to why he hadn't come in yesterday.

No the reason why he didn't come in that his wife forgot to tell him that the guinea pig was ready. *shakes head* lol. She told us he would come in but neglected to tell him he was coming in. XD lol 

But at least the guinea pig was able to finally return to his home so woot! 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, September 7, 2020

A New Tank

I had a customer come into the store today, who was looking to buy a new tank because his had started leaking earlier that day.

To the point where the guy had to leave work early because his wife called basically saying "IT'S LEAKING!" So he drove straight over from work to try and find a tank of similar size and shape for a good price to replace his broken one.

Which it was a good day to come look at tanks since we had some on sale today due to the holiday.

And the dude was looking to get our 36 gallon bowfront tank. 

But was concerned because the tank was like an inch too wide for his current stand.

And he was wondering if he could still have the tank on said stand or if the inch difference would cause problems.

Which I had no idea.

It probably wouldn't.

But it's hard to know with tanks and their stands.

But then I remembered we also had a 36 tank/stand combo that was also on sale.

Funnily enough it was the same price as the 36 tank kit.

So it was like the customer could buy the tank with all the filters/heaters/etc included in it.

Or buy the tank/stand/lights for the same price.

And the dude was like !!!

Because he already had all the stuff for the tank. He just needed a new tank.

And to have a new tank come with a stand that would fit it.

He was sold then and there.

So I loaded up our last one in the store for him to take home.

So that was nice. Being able to get the customer more than they expected. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Securely Locked

Gotta love it when my coworkers make my life difficult unintentionally. 

Came into work this morning to find that the bird cages in New Arrivals had been shut in such a way...that it took a lot of effort to get them open.

Because they have one of those spring latches on them.

Where you grab the hook and pull it the desired distance across the door and hook it to the side of the cage.

And whoever last opened/shut those cages...had hooked the hooks in such a manner that they were super taut with no give, and the little rings on the edge of the hook to help you hold the hook in place...had been placed underneath the hook so that they couldn't be moved out.


It was stuck.

And like...I get it. People make mistakes. People don't know their own strength. People want to make sure the animals can't escape.

But it would be nice if they remembered that other people also need to open the cages too.

Because what should have been like a five minute task took me like thrice that because I had to struggle to get all the cages open. Even had to call in a manager for one because no matter what I tried it wouldn't budge. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 3, 2020


It's amazing how many customers struggle with the simple concept of "put it back where you found it."

I had to face my department moreso than usual today because we were doing inventory tonight and we needed all our product to be in the proper locations. 

Which meant constantly walking along the aisles making sure that everything was in it's spot and was neatly lined up.

And it was frustrating because I could literally get done with a section and come back to it five minutes later and find half a dozen things were now out of line or put in the wrong spot.

It really felt like if a customer even glanced in the direction of the aisle that things would get messed up.

But seriously.

How hard is to put things back where you found them?

I watched people dither over items.

Trying to decide between one style and the next.

And then whatever choice they made...they'd leave the other  options scattered about.

Or else would push other product to the side to make room for them to lay their choices down on the shelf so they could better 'see' them....


It was frustrating.

So frustrating. 

No wonder I don't like facing until after we close.

It's like a never ending task otherwise. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Open to Close

It's exhausting to have to open up the department only to have to turn around and close it down again at the end of my eight hour shift.

Like I thought I was to the end of having to do such things after I switched back to mornings.
But due to coworker schedule changes and a lack of hours, I've had to do a soft closing of my department before I leave for the day because we go down to just two people in the evening.

And corporate has stated that we need to keep the department open all day now instead of closing it early.
So basically my job was to do all the closing tasks so that when the store closes my coworkers basically just need to turn off the lights and call it good.

*shakes head*

I honestly don't know why they can't do it around closing time when it slows down a closing the department takes maybe half an hour currently?

But yah.
It's exhausting.
Especially since we hit a rush about half an hour to an hour before I leave for the day.
So it's a scramble to get all my opening tasks done.
And an even faster scramble to make sure all of closing has been done too.

Which part of opening is scrubbing out a section of our fish wall each day.
And today.
I did the section in like...five minutes?
Doing a quick clean on all the walls and such.

And my arm is totally feeling it right now.
So sore.
So tired.

Thankfully I don't have to open and close my department again for the rest of this hopefully I can relax and do things a bit slower....we'll see.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Same Name

So I had a customer call the store saying that they had arrived to pick up their online order. 

Which, easy enough to get, I just needed a name.
So the customer told me their name and I looked it up on the Ipad and was like "Okay, I have your order Stacy, I'll be right out to get it." 
(Name has been changed) 

So I hit 'confirm' on Stacy's name and go grab her order and bring it out to the car.
Only for the customer to be like: O_o that's not what I ordered.

And I was like "For Stacy right?"
And she was like "Yes...but I ordered some dog treats and some fake grass." 

Which...considering the order I had brought out contained milk replacer for puppies...
Meant that it definitely wasn't the right order.

But I did remember seeing an order with fake grass sooo I figured that there must have been two orders by people named Stacy.

So I was like "I'll be right back." 
Sure enough.
There was an order for Stacie that had the fake grass.

So I brought that order out to the customer and it was the correct one this time.

There was a slight problem that I had already confirmed the other Stacy's order.
Which meant when she came into the store to grab her order...we wouldn't have a record of it on our Ipad because I'd already confirmed it as being taken. *exhales* 

So I let the manager know and she wrote a note on the order so that we would know it still needed to be picked up by the other customer.

Only as she was finishing writing that note.
I got a phone call.

And the customer on the other end was like "Hi, I just got an email saying that my order had been picked up...but I haven't come to grab it yet."
And I was like: "For Stacy right?"
"Yah, we accidentally confirmed your order because there were two Stacy's and the other Stacie came to pick up hers. But your order is still here. You can come grab it."

She was like "Great! Only...I actually don't want it anymore. Can I cancel it?" 

I had no idea actually as I had accidentally confirmed it so it wasn't on our Ipad anymore....not that I could personally cancel the order as that's something only a manager can do. But I took down the customer's information in case we needed anything more from her, and went to the manager to see if we could cancel that order.

We can. So it wasn't as complicated as an issue as I thought.

But definite note to self.
Double check names before hitting confirm. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi