Wednesday, September 9, 2020

$5 Worth

I had a customer come into the store today who wanted to get some crickets.

To which I responded that while I had small crickets, I was out of my large.

Typically...the customer then was like  "How big are your large crickets?"

....I don't know why customers can't hear certain words.

Like "Do you want Small OR Large?" and without fail the customer will say "Medium"

And apparently if I say "We're out of large crickets." Customers don't hear the fact that we're OUT of crickets aka we don't have that size. *shakes head*

So I had to repeat myself "I don't have any large crickets, I only have small."

Which is always a conundrum to customers. 

In any case the customer was like "I need $5 worth of small crickets" 

Which is another thing I hate when customers do. It's not like I know how many crickets certain amounts will cost. 

Usually people just tell me an amount of crickets not a dollar amount.

So I had to mentally calculate first thing in the morning how many crickets a customer could get for $5.

It's around 35.

So I bagged up that amount and gave it to the customer.

To which the customer was like "This is the amount for $5?! How much are the crickets?!" 

To which I had to explain that the smalls are 14 cents each unless you buy a certain amount and then the price goes down a penny. Over 36 would be 13, 51 would be 12, 76+ would be 11 cents each. 

And the customer was like "Then I want the 76!"

*exhales* Which 76 crickets isn't $5 it's more than that....and like if you wanted 76 why did you not say 76 crickets in the first place. *shakes head* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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