Friday, September 25, 2020

Where's the Nutri-Berries?

I had a customer come into the store looking for some specific Lafeber Nutri-Berries to feed to her parakeet as apparently that's the only food that the bird will touch.

But the package she showed me wasn't the same as the packaging that we sold in the store. So it was either a newer version we haven't gotten in yet, an extremely old version we haven't carried in forever, or other stores carry the brand in different packaging.

In any case, I did recognize the brand and the name so I knew that we had the berries...I just wasn't sure if we had them for parakeets as most of the time people are looking to get them for their parrots and larger birds.

But upon going to our bird food section, I was able to find the product the customer was looking for.

Only she wasn't convinced that it was what she wanted.

As again, the packaging didn't look like the one she had in hand.

Even though I pointed out that this other packaging also indicated that it was for parakeets. 

The customer proceeded to look up to our overstock shelf and ask if the nutriberries she could see up there were more like the ones that she was wanting to buy.

She didn't believe me when I told her that the nutri-berries up there were in fact the exact same ones I'd shown her on the shelf below.

The packaging didn't 'look the same' because she could only see the top half of the packaging on the overstock as the bottom half was covered by the lip of the shelf that prevents product from falling to the floor below. 

*exhales*'s the exact same COLOR packaging. The birds shown at the top are the exact same birds shown at the top of the bag on the shelf too. 

But it took me taking the bag on the shelf and lifting it to the bag in the overstock for her to see that the packaging was exactly the same.

*shakes head*

In any case. I did what I could to help her and left her to her own devices to 'decide' what she wanted.

I noticed in the end she went with a different color packaging one that was purple instead of green for the nutri-berries, but at least she bought something from the brand. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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