Wednesday, September 16, 2020


I had an antimasker come into the store today.

A father who was toting around his young daughter (around a year old??) in his arms.

So, as per the policy, I approached him to tell him that masks are required to be worn in the store.

To which he responded with the usual fib of "I have a medical condition"

Which dude. If you reeeeaaaallllyyy had a 'medical condition' that prevented you from wearing a mask, then it would have to be a condition affecting your breathing, and if it affects your breathing then you don't really want to be out in public right now when there's this virus that effects your LUNGS and makes breathing MUCH HARDER.

*rolls eyes* 

Yah no, I highly doubt the dude had any actual condition.

In any case.

I was like "Well, then for your health and safety we do recommend that you use our curbside pick up as it's not safe--"

That was the general gist as while we are required to provide service to people who 'cannot wear a mask' that doesn't mean we have to let them wander around without a mask as it is a health hazard to both them and to other customers in the store with the pandemic.  

I don't even remember quite what the customer retorted with. But whatever he said I was like "Yes, but for your safety it is better to use our curbside pick up"

And he like whips out a mask from his pocket --like if you already have a mask available to wear obviously you've had to wear it before and obviously you've survived it--


YOU made the choice to come out into public. YOU made the choice to wear the mask knowing that you could 'pass out.' YOU made the choice to ignore our offer of curbside service in favor of wandering around the store. YOU are the one who is responsible for your own health and if wearing a mask is really that big of a deal to you then DO NOT go places that require them. IT'S YOUR choice dude. But we also have to look out for other customers in the store as well and people wandering around without masks are a safety hazard to those who are wearing masks. It's not safe for anyone health wise.

And like...all I told the customer was that masks are required and that for their health and safety we do provide curbside pick up for those who cannot wear masks.

It's not like I was saying we couldn't help him.

I was saying that we would have to help him in a different fashion than the expected normal route because of the lack of a's just irritating.

Like the dude had no issues wearing the mask once he put it on.

There was no loud breathing, no gasping for breath, no screaming that he couldn't breathe.

So pretty sure he's fine. 

He walked out of the store just fine--tearing off his mask as he did so- but he obviously did not pass out. 

It's just....irritating. How selfish people will be when all we're trying to do is look out for others and do our best to keep everyone healthy. 


I'm so tired of people.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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